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the answer to that is yes

well, sort of, a map turtle is a variety of species:

Mississippi map turtle

Texas map turtle

Cagle's map turtle

Black knobbed map turtle

Ouachita map turtle

P.s. if you want to get a map turtle you should get the Texas map turtle! the males at full maturity get to about 3.5 inches

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Q: Can a Mississippi map and a eastern painted turtle be in the same tank?
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No, a land turtle is not the same as a painted turtle because: Land turtle is well a land turtle and painted turtles can be both in land and water. They have different names They Look different

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Sorry, I don't know the answer to your question. However, turtle shells should not be painted. The paint prevents the shell from growing with the turtle, and it amounts to slow suffocation and death for the painted turtle. first he did not paint the turtle that's the type of turtle he has second yes they can be in the same tank.

Can you hold eastern painted turtles?

NO. The eastern box turtle is a land turtle and the painted turtle is aquatic. If you had a habitat large enough that could accommodate a land area, a shallow water area and a deep water area it would be ok to house them together. The painted turtle would spend most of its time in the deeper water only coming on to land to bask, and the box turtle will spend the majority of its time on the land. They are not harmful to each other

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yes they can. they will get use to each other and will get along. red ear sliders are more timid than eastern painted turtles. so he may be scared of the other turtle at first. but they will learn to get along.

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It depends on the size. mine are just babies with the Southern and Eastern painted turtles being a little bit bigger and so they crawl on top of the RES as if he was a rock cause he's littler.

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No they will kill each other

How big was the dodo?

about the same length as the average giraffe's neck + the average length of a walrus' tusk. It weighed about the same as a painted turtle's left foot.

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I have researched the same question and I read that painted turtles can only procreate with other painted turtles. Red eared sliders and painted will try to have sex but cannot reproduce

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The Painted Turtle. The Mountain Gorilla. The Black Eyed Dragonfly. In The African Jungle.

Can a red ear lider live in a same tank as a painted turtle?

NEVER mix species together unless they co-exist naturally in the wild !