

Can a President of the US be born by caesarian section?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: Can a President of the US be born by caesarian section?
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A natural-born US citizen of Mexican descent can be elected President, but a person born in Mexico cannot. Article II, Section 1, Paragraph 5 of the Constitution specifies the President (and Vice-President) must be natural-born, meaning born in one of the US States, US Territories, or on a US military base. Naturalized US citizens are not eligible to run for President.

Why can't be president if you are not born in the US?

It is written into the US Constitution. Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the US Constitution sets the requirements to hold office. One of these requirements is that the President must be a natural born citizen of the United States.

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No part. Your parents can be born elsewhere, but you must be born in the US. Barack Obama's father was Kenyan, but President Barack Obama was born in Hawaii. This is spelled out in the Constitution,

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No US President was born in Indiana.

What if parents of a us president was not born in the us and are not citizens but the president was born in the us?

unless the law is changed the answer is yes if the child was born in the US then he/she can be president regardless where the parents are born.

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No US President has been born in, raised in, or had his or her power base in Alaska.

Can a president be born abroad?

The constitution of the US requires that a President must be born in the US.

What is a US president born in the US?

A native-born US citizen. This is not necessary to be president however, you need only be a natural-born US citizen.

A president born in A laska?

No US President was born in Alaska.

Can a person born in Cuba be US president?

No. The president must be a natural born US citizen.

What US state is the birthplace to a US president Hawaii or Alaska?

As of 2010 no US President has been born in Alaska, but President Obama was born in Hawaii.

How long do you have to be in the US to be president?

You have to be a natural born citizen in the US to be President.