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Q: Can a Staph infection cause flu like symptoms?
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What are the symptoms of staph on the earlobe?

There are a few symptoms that could indicate a staph infection on the earlobe. The ear may be red and sore to touch. It can also have a pus-like rash. It is best to consult a doctor to make sure.

What does staff infection look like at first?

It is assumed that the word 'staph' is misspelled in the question. The common symptoms of a staph infection are boils, rashes, cellulite or abcesses. To find out if one has an infection, one should go to the doctor.

What are the symptoms of skin infection?

Skin infections can be identified by scaling,peeling,rashes and other symptoms.To cure this use Defense soap as it is effective against common skin infection like ringworm,staph,MRSA.

How do you get staph infections?

Staph infection is spread like any other infection, by bacteria. It enters your body though cuts or your nose or mouth. Washing your hand is the key to prevent it.

What is symptomatic of listeriosis in newborns?

Listeriosis may cause flu-like symptoms and the infection can be transmitted prenatally even if the mother has no symptoms.

What does ink poisining from a tattoo look like?

you wont get ink poisoning you will get a staph infection

What does an elbow infected with staph look like?

An elbow that is infected with staph infection will be red and it may have sores on it. In worst cases, the sores are open and oozing.

When should you be admitted into the hospital for a staph infection?

YES!!!!!! they can get really bad, and some staph infections (like mrsa) are contagious. It would be a mistake not to go.

What is staph infection?

Staph infection is and infection caused by Staphylococcus aureus bacteria. You can get a staph infection usually from skin to skin contact. It is super common and finds its way in the body thru an open cut/break in your skin, mouth, nose, lungs etc. They commonly look like pus-producing boils, abscesses or blisters on the skin, many people mistake them for spider bites =S is a great website that has LOOOADS of information about Staph infections and natural remedies to get ride of them!www.staph-infection-resources.comstaff infection is an infection inside your body that can get to your brain and orgins and YES you can die!!!!

Could itchy bumps on head only be staph?

An itchy scalp can be a symptom of a staph infection, and it also can be caused by other conditions, like folliculitis, hives, parasites (scabies), or a cyst. For example, folliculitis is an infection of the hair follicles that present symptoms of red and itchy boils. Because a bump on the head can have so many causes, it should be looked at by a doctor for a proper diagnosis.

What happens when staph infections get inside your body?

Staph Is Where A Bubble Of Bacteria Builds Up... Staph Will Look Like A Red Welp Like Some Ones Been Hit There. It Will Be Hot And If You Thought It Was A Pimple And Busted It.. Its Gonna Turn Black(The Top Of It)But The Head Will Fall In. You Can Get Staph From Being Dirty Or Miquitoes.\ But If You Didnt Know Staph Will Build Up On Your Skin If Dont Take A Shower For So Long. The Stages Are Fever,Swolen Throught,Hard To Breath,And Not Wanting To Eat And STAPH Is NOTHING to KID ABOUT.A staff infection is short for Staphylococcus and is a group of bacteria that can cause a multitude of diseases to various tissues of the body. Staphylococcus is more familiarly known as Staph (pronounced "staff"). Staph-related illness can range from mild and requiring no treatment to severe and potentially fatal.

What are the symptoms of staph?

large red bump that looks like a pimple, small boils, do not pick! go to the doctor and have them do a staph culture. you can aslo see pics of staph online if you google "pictures of staph". staph is very dangerous in certain strains and also contagious. if you are certain it may be staph go get the culture asap.