

Can a babY hamster live with a bigger one?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Only if the bigger one is its mother or a hamster it has grown up with.

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Q: Can a babY hamster live with a bigger one?
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You have one hamster and hes just a baby you were wondering if you could get another baby and house them together in a bigger cage?

you can do this but they may fight and such after a while but usually it stops. In the pet store they house up to 5 or 6 of them in one cage

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Because God made all animals in a variety. No one is the same as the other.

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Nothing, this is normal.

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A hamster is faster as they can stretch more and are smaller. Guinea pigs are fast but as they are bigger they don't move as fast.

Can your female 1 year old long haired hamster live with a winter white baby hamster?

I wouldn't suggest it. Normally hamsters fight if they are in the same cage as another hamster. You should put them in separate cages unless you want them to fight a lot. Hope this helps.Second Answer well you can but watch them very closely and if they start to fight take little one out!No I don't think so. My sister's hamster, when he was a baby he was in a cage with another hamster and the other hamster bit his ear and there is a little triangle where the bit of his ear used to be! Keep them in separate cages I should suggest. xxxThird AnswerIf your long haired one is a Syrian, NO!!! Syrians are solitary hamsters. they will fight to the death if the baby hamster is the weakest.

What are facts about the hamster?

one interesting fact about the hamster is that hamsters only live one month unless u kiss him evey day. one interesting fact about the hamster is that hamsters only live one month unless u kiss him evey day.

How can you tell when the mother hamster has eaten a baby hamster?

When theres one less hampster in the cage and the mom is fat and there's blood every where.

How do you give a baby hamster food?

The same way you give a grown one food when the baby is ready it will get its own food.

Where should you go to get a roboverski dwarf hamster?

i got mine at petsmart but if you want a hamster to hold i would recomend you should get a bigger one

Does a dwarf hamster ever have just one baby?

It happens more than you think.

Would a dwarf hamster be able to live with a teddy bear hamster?

No!!!! They will fight till one of them is severely injured or dead.