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The same way you give a grown one food when the baby is ready it will get its own food.

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Q: How do you give a baby hamster food?
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How do you fatten up a hamster?

try to give your hamster carrots and can also try giving your hamster yogurt drops and dog biscuits.

When can baby hamsters eat hamster food?

Baby hamster's only drink their mother's milk and they proceed to eat hamster food once they're weaned.

How long before you can give a baby dwarf hamster away?

You can touch them when they are firstborn but their mom must be at a food break. (Not recommended for those with no experience) However, you may hold them when they are two weeks old.

Can gerbils eat hamster food?

Yes! In fact, ALL hamster food is made for Hamsters AND Gerbils! It is perfectly fine to give gerbils the hamster food, and also to give hamsters gerbil food!

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Do you give milk to baby hamster?

No, don't give them cow's milk.

What does the baby hamster feeds on?

They nurse from the mommy until its time for them to eat big hamster food.

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Can baby hamster be pregnant?

Of course not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Only the adult female hamster can get pregnant and give birth to babies.

What are some tips to have when a female hamster has a litter of hamsters?

You should not touch the baby hamsters until they are 6 weeks old. Don't play with the mother hamster. If you touch the baby hamsters before 4 weeks the mother hamster might eat her babies. Give extra food because the mother might think that there isn't enough food and kill some of her babies. Don't be surprised when the mother eats her baby because the baby might be sick. I never had a female hamster but I read all this from a book. Good Luck!

How old do baby hamsters have to be till you give them away?

it depends on the type of hamster you get. you should give baby hamsters away when they are two or three weeks depending n your type of hamster if it is a syran hamster you should give the babys away at two weeks other hamsters you can give it another week

What mother have to eat to born a baby very fair?

Hamster food...