

Can a baby chick eat a sausage?

Updated: 12/12/2022
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13y ago

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Why would you want it to? Definitely NOT recommended.

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Q: Can a baby chick eat a sausage?
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a small chicken or a baby chick? small chicken: it can eat any scraps that you have, or chicken feed chick: baby chick feed, you can buy it at most stores (like tractor supply company)

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Generally feed stores carry chick feed.

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A baby chicken is called a chick.

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a baby chick drinks water and milk.

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The chick should be on chick starter. This is a fine grained feed easy for chicks to eat and digest. Regular chicken food is too big for the tiny chick to eat.

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Baby chickens are born from eggs (fertilized eggs only, not the ones you eat), because they are birds. A baby chicken is called a chick.

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The chick embryo grows from about the size of a dot to the actual chick that emerges from the egg.During this period it(the embryo)depends entirely on the yolk and the albumin(the white part)for its nutrition.

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