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Yes because the feces contains bacteria.

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Q: Can a baby get sick after eating dog poop?
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Can a human get sick from eating dog poop?

You can sodon't try it. you cant get sick from all poop... but the dog could be sick or a diseased fly could of got on it. If you have a dog make sure it does eat its poop. If your looking for a dog go to your local animal shelter!!!

Can a dog get worms from eating duck poop?

You can get worms by your dog eating poop and then licking you and then you suck on your fingers you can get worms by eating any kind of poop so dont try it

Can a dog be sick when his poop is grey and very smelly?

no, the dogs poop color depends on what u feed him/her :). if ur dog is sick it willl have diahrea

Can your dog get sick from eating its own poop?

yes, poop contain thousands of viruses so try not to let your dog eat its own or anyone elses poop, it can make your dog very sick and could even kill it

Can a baby get sick from eating cat poop?

NO. Your dog may be a bit embarrassed, but he will get over it. Besides, earlier in the day your dog pulled a loaded diaper out of the garbage and woofed it down, so dog and baby are basically even.

Does smelling dog poop make you sick?


Can dogs get worms from eating duck poop?

You can get worms by your dog eating poop and then licking you and then you suck on your fingers you can get worms by eating any kind of poop so dont try it

Is it possible to eat a dog raw and not get sick?

I hope you are eating a hot dog and not a dog but you will get sick

Why is your dogs poop red like his dog food?

The dog's poop really depends on what the dog is eating. Dog's poop can be different in colors depending on the dog food or sometimes an abnormality in the body especially the digestive tract.

What do you call someone who gets sick at sight of dog poop?


Can a dog get poisoned from eating baby formula powder?

No, but the dog could get sick. Make sure they have lots of water to drink and keep an eye on them when they go to the bathroom.

How does a dog get sick?

by eating people food.