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Q: Can a baby hear a concert at 30 weeks pregnancy?
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If a baby heart starts beating after 9 weeks of pregnancy does it mean that there would be development problems?

No, but at 5-6 weeks you can hear it with an early ultra-sound. :)

How soon can you hear a baby's heartbeat?

The baby's heart beat can be seen on an ultrasound at around 7 weeks, and if you are very slim MAY be heard on a Doppler from 9 or 10 weeks. Here is more advice and input: * Most Heartbeats can be heard by 15/16 weeks. * My doctor wasn't able to hear my babies until I was about 3-4 months pregnant. * It is most generally possible to begin to hear the baby's heart beat at the beginning of your second trimester, however sometimes it is possible to hear it a couple of weeks before or after these dates as well. It most likely depends on the size of the baby and how quickly it is growing in each individual person. I personally heard my baby's heart beat the first time at 14 weeks with my first, 13 weeks with my second and 10 weeks pregnant with my current pregnancy. * You can start to hear the babies heartbeat through ultrasound as soon as 6 weeks into your pregnancy! A Doppler can start to pick up a heartbeat at around 10-14 weeks into your pregnancy. A stethoscope can be used to hear the baby's heartbeat late in the pregnancy. * If you have an early scan it can be seen from about 6 weeks. If listening with a Doppler and you are very slim sometimes (not always) it can be heard from about 8 weeks. A midwife listening with a Pinard can hear it from about 22-24 weeks. * You may be able to see it on an ultrasound at about 7 weeks but unless you are very thin you won't be able to hear it with a Doppler until about 10 weeks, possibly later. Until 12 weeks the uterus is still in the pelvis and the heart is very small and the machine has to be pointed directly at the heart so the sound is reflected, unlike a microphone. * I heard my baby's heart beat at almost eight weeks and it was very strong :) I think everyone is just different it depends largely on your specific pregnancy

When does the doctor feel the pulse of the baby in first pregnancy?

Every woman is different but most dr's are able to let you hear the baby's heartbeat around the 10 week point in pregnancy. A heartbeat should be visible on an ultrasound at around 5 to 7 weeks of pregnancy.

Can a fetus hear the mother at 23 weeks pregnant?

Yes, the baby can hear you at this point! Not only can the baby hear you but can also hear Daddy, dogs, tv, radio etc. My doc said at 20 weeks it is a good time to start reading to the baby

What if you dont hear the baby hearts beat?

it depends how far along in the pregnancy. in the first month it can sometimes be to early to hear, if it is later in the pregnancy that typically means the baby has passed away.

Does baby listen and see in mothers stomach?

When the baby is in the womb at 20 weeks along, they don't hear the high pitch as well as a deeper voice. claims the baby can hear by 23 weeks and will respond to loud noises. Some women have claimed that they think baby can hear before 23 weeks.

Can you hear placenta sounds but not fetal sounds If you are 10 - 11 weeks pregnant and still be healthy pregnancy?

I never heard of placenta sounds?? You should be able to hear your baby's heartbeat by week 11-12 the latest.

How old is the fetus when it gains the ability to hear sound?

18 weeks into pregnancy :)

If i am 5 weeks can i hear my baby's heart beat?


Does shouting in the early stages of pregnancy harm the baby?

No. That early they can not hear anyway.

Can i feel my baby's heartbeat if i touch my uterus during 7 weeks?

No, generally you will not be able to feel the baby's heartbeat in the uterus from the outside. You can buy feral heartbeat machines called a Doppler to hear the baby's heartbeat. Some can pick up as early as 7 weeks, although others can't pick up until later on in the pregnancy.

How soon can you you hear your baby heart beat?

I saw my baby's heart beat via ultrasound at 14 weeks and 3 days