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Yes. Batteries, if too old, can refrain from starting.

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Q: Can a battery be too dead to not receive a jump?
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How do you charge the battery in a 1998 Audi a6?

The alt will charge it if you can jump it. If it's too dead to jump, you need a battery charger. It may not charge hold a charge if it;s shot though and if not maint free, make sure water level full

Battery is dead then when jump started is fine When car is turned off starts all over again Is this the battery or alternator?

There may be a fault in the alternator too. The load value should be checked. When you do this, do a battery check too. By the way, about batteries and how you can revive a dead battery, I found some interesting things in a guide here: bit .ly/2SNdGUh (remove space!)bit .ly/2SNdGUh (remove space!) It's not very expensive but it can help you with any kind of dead battery

Does driving the car also charge the battery if its dead?

Yes, once you have jump started the car (from another car's battery), driving the car will recharge the dead battery (provided the battery is OK). This is a terrible idea and may damage the alternator. Drive the car immediately home and charge the battery with a battery charger. Alternators are designed to keep a charged battery fully charged. They are not designed to charge a dead battery. This puts way too much strain on the alternator circuits.

Why does your car not start with a jump?

If you know it is the battery then try using a charger to charge the battery, make sure that you clean the battery connection terminals. If the battery will not take a charge from a charger then replace it, if a battery gets too dead it can't be revived. Also, have your alternator checked before driving if you didn't cause the problem with sitting or leaving the lights on etc.

Can a battery be jumped from a truck or does it have to many amps?

better to jump a small battery with a big one. The other way (trying to jump BIG battery with a small one) may result in smaller battery being too weak to do the job or damage to the small battery. The scenario as you have described it is OK.

Pontiac Won't turn over?

You may have a dead battery. You can try to jump start it. If that doesn't work, check your cables and connections. Check the ground cable too. Still nothing, the starter is probably bad.

Where do you jump start a 1996 Oldsmobile cierra is there another part to jump it the jumper cables both wont fit on the battery its too tight?

almost all vehichles can be jump-started by using the battery terminals instead. so try putting the cables on the end where the wires meet the terminals. (over the screws that hold the battery connectors on the battery.)

Won't turn over with a charged battery?

If you car sounds like it is clicking when you try to turn it over, it may be the alternator, but if it is NOT making a ticking sounds, it could possibly be the starter (or started solenoid). BUT also if you are unable to even jump it off, or if it jumps off after a while of trying, you may just have a dead cell in the battery, meaning that the battery MUST be replaced. Dead cell batteries show a full charge on a volt meter but they will not operate. And also if you have or know someone with a voltmeter, try to jump your car off and if it starts, check the voltage on the battery. if it between 13.5-14.9 your alternator is working, if it starts after jumping and it does NOT read this, it is your alternator. ****NOTE**** If it is your alternator, it should not take too long to jump the vehicle off. It will take about 10-15 minutes to start the car (if it does) if the battery just has a dead cell.

Your 2002 Cavalier battery died and now your underbody kit does not work Is that why?

yes i left my glow it on once too and killed my battery you glow kit works off you battery so if you battery is dead your kit is dead charge battery and you kit will shine once again.

Can running out of gas cause a dead battery?

It can, if you leave the lights or flashers on too long.

Why is there no spark when jumper cable touches battery?

There is probably little or no voltage difference between the batteries. The battery that needs the jump can still be too weak to turn the starter.

Why won't a car even jump start but the lights dim and lots of clicks?

AnswerDim lights and lots of clicks is an indication of too low a charge on the battery. When jump-starting, allow the battery to be attached to the jumper cables for about 5 minutes before trying to crank the engine. If that fails, check for loose battery cables at the battery, ground, or starter. If all connections are good, then the battery is too far gone and must be replaced. Note: You need to find out why the battery discharged - did you leave the lights on? is the alternator bad?.