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Yes a Betta can go to the bottom of a tank and stay there for quite some considerable time. The length of time the fish would be capable of remaining before surfacing and taking a breath of air would vary depending on various factors including temperature of the water.

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Q: Can a betta fish go to the bottom of a tank and stay there and or how long can they stay?
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Related questions

Could an Betta fish live without fins?

No. all fish need fins to swim. Or they would just stay at the bottom of the tank and die.

Is it posable for a betta to swim to the bottom of a tank and stay there?

A betta can swim wherever he wants and stay there. Do you mean he can't stay off the bottom? Does he keep sinking? Mine are doing this. It's a symptom of a handful of betta diseases

What can be in a 1 gallon fish bowl?

A betta fish is the only fish that can stay in a bowl :) hope I helped :)

Do goldfish can stay with other fish?

Yes they can but not betta fish.I (I hope this helps to all of you.)

Is yellow paint bad for betta fish to have in their tank?

I would definitely not do this. The chemicals from the paint can be extremely toxic to the fish and can possibly be fatal. If you want your betta to stay healthy, do not use paint in their tank!

Plakat betta fish mate with a short tail female betta?

no because male betta's are really aggressive to other betta's which plakats are male's. but female betta's can stay with other females. don't try to, one of your betta's are going to end up dead.

Why do betta fish sleep with their eyes open?

they keep their eyes open,and usually stay at the bottom of the tank,and dont usually move their fins and tail,but they do breate...With their eyes

How long can you keep a betta fish in a bag in a car?

Well you a betta fish can stay in a bag until you buy a tank for the betta. If you put a betta in a car and it's like 105 degrees out side they can die less than 2 minutes because it's so hot and the water will become hot. If it's like winter they can die too because the waiter will go low and it's not the right temperature. Hope it help you.

What does it mean when fish stop eating and stay at the bottom?

The fish maybe have a pregnant.

What fish can a betta stay with?

" They can't stay with any fish! DON'T TRY IT! Male bettas will kill the other fish and females might too so don't try it just keep your betta by itself and don't worry about them being lonely. They are solatairy fish, they don't get lonely. If you want more than one betta fish in your bowl get wo females to live with each other but don't put males together or don't pout any other fish with bettas. thanks, ~LilyLove5

How long can Betta go with no food?

do not do this but it can stay in the wild without food for a week

Why do baby Betta fish stay in bubble nests?

because if the eggs were left unguarded, other fish would eat them. and it makes it easier for the dad to clean.