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Q: Can a blood clot in the lungs travel to the brain?
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Why is an embolism a contraindication to massage?

Because if it is a blood clot it could travel up and get stuck in the lungs, heart, or brain and cause death.

How does a heparin drip prevent an existing blood clot from breaking off and traveling to lungs heart brain etc?

A heparin drip is used to prevent the blood from clotting. If there is an existing clot heparin will thin the blood, and prevent the clot from traveling to the lungs or brain.

What is the name of the blood clot circulating in the blood stream?

A Circulating clot is referred to as an embolism.

How long does it take a blood clot to to travel to your lungs or heart?

Because....... I LOVE EGGS!

Why might a clot in the lungs occur after a deep vein thrombosis in the leg?

Because a clot in a deep vein can break off and travel through the blood stream to the lungs.

What conditions are caused by blood clots?

A blood clot that blocks an artery to the brain can cause a stroke. If the clot blocks blood flow to the lungs pulmonary embolism can occur. A blood clot that blocks a coronary artery can cause a heart attack.

Can a sprained ankle cause death?

Yes, it is possible to die from complications caused by a sprained ankle. Such complications include a blood clot forming in the ankle and causing a blood clot in the brain, lungs or heart.

What is a blood clot in the ateries leading to the brain?

A blood clot in an artery is an aneurysm.

What is an embolism and what is its connection to thrombosis?

Thrombosis is a blood clot that develops in a vein (usually in the leg or pelvic region). An embolism is a clot that breaks off and travels to the heart, lungs, or brain.

If you cough up alittle blood does it always have to be a blood clot or can you just have some blood in your lungs?

it doesnt have to be a clot....

Can a bruise cause a blood clot?

Every bruise results in minor bleeding and a small blood clot. A blood clot is the body's natural way to stop bleeding and heal the site. If you mean cause a dangerous clot, a bruise is not in a vein. It is more a superficial injury. The only way a clot is dangerous is if it can travel to the heart or brain. Bruises don't cause clots that will travel.

Is a blood clot on the brain often makes a person unconscious and give severe headache?

my father is suffring from blood clot in brain.he is semi will he recover from this stage. is there any medicine for that blood clot in brain?