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Yes and no. A business can accuse you of a crime, just as an individual can accuse you of a crime, but they cannot issue an arrest warrant without a judge. It depends on the business and how much pull they have with the local law.

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Q: Can a business send a police out to issue a warrant for your arrest?
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No, a police officer cannot issue a warrant for your arrest only a judge or court magistrate can do that.

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A repo man can not issue a warrant for your arrest. Only a judge can issue an official arrest warrant.

Can Kentucky issue a national warrant for a misdemeanor?

Our lawyer said they can't but the police did it and the police in a surrounding state said they can arrest for it.

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Car dealers cannot issue arrest warrants only judges can do that. If there is an arrest warrant then you have broken some kind of law and the dealer has petitioned a judge or filed criminal charges and the police or marshalls office will carry out the warrant.

How can you get rid of an arrest warrant in Arizona?

If you know what the warrant is in response to, correct the issue. For instance, pay the fine, contact the court that issued the warrant, or show up at the police station with a lawyer.

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A warrant will not be issued for your arrest for an unpaid parking ticket. If you have an unpaid speeding ticket, they may issue a warrant for your arrest.

Do i pay expired tags ticket in another state?

Otherwise that state will issue a warrant for your arrest for failure to appear or pay the fine.Otherwise that state will issue a warrant for your arrest for failure to appear or pay the fine.

Warrant for arrest issued but Why?

A warrant for arrest is issued through the court. The reasoning for the warrant being issued is for the illegal act committed by the criminal. The criminal commits an illegal act then the police department, sheriffs department, probation office, division of youth services, or juvenile office reports the illegal act to the court and the judge will or will not issue a warrant for the persons arrest.

What can a court issue that deprives someone of his or her freedom?

an arrest warrant

Who can issue an arrest warrant in SC?

Depending on the charge specified in the warrant: A Justice of The Peace - a Magistrate or - a Judge.

What is an alias warrant of arrest?

When a wanted individual is known to police, but their true name/identity is unknown, the judge can issue a "John Doe" warrant to take them into custody, at which time there true identity will become known.

Can police issue a new search warrant while exacuting a search warrant?

Ive heard of police with a search warrant finding something non-related to the search warrant, and then issuing a new search warrant on the spot regarding the new issue.