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No. That is just a rumor. If it was true (and you were pregnant) then your doctor would say something to you.

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What is a prenatal scan?

Typically, a prenatal scan indicates having a sonogram/ultrasound performed. This scan can determine the baby's heart rate, size and weight and is a better predictor of gestational age. After week 20, expectant parents often are able to ascertain the sex of their unborn child through ultrasound.

How do you find whether male or female in a scan report?

The sex of an unborn child is usually apparent by around 20 weeks. This can be detected with an ultrasound scan. The presence of an object in the genital area, or the absence of one, indicates whether the baby is male or female.

Do fathers of an unborn child have the right to have time off work to go to the scan?

If you live in the US, fathers do not legally have that right, but the company they work for may allow it--it's entirely up to the company.

If there were something wrong with your unborn at 12 weeks baby would you know?

A scan would be able to tell you. If you're worried about it, make an appointment for a scan at the hospital. It's better to be safe than sorry. What makes you think something is wrong?

What is prenatal scanning?

Typically, a prenatal scan indicates having a sonogram/ultrasound performed. This scan can determine the baby's heart rate, size and weight and is a better predictor of gestational age. After week 20, expectant parents often are able to ascertain the sex of their unborn child through ultrasound.

Is it possible to take ct scan of a child's brain?

Yes, it is possible to CT scan a child.

Can pregnancy of a dog can be confirmed by taking an xray?

It can but x-rays can be harmful to unborn animals, a scan is a much safer option.

What if your pregnant ex girlfriend will not let you attend your unborn baby's scan?

Nothing. Maybe it's not even YOUR unborn baby.

How does a baby scan work?

A baby scan or ultrasound machine is a device that checks your unborn baby's condition. It shows a gray visual where you can see your baby's body and movement. Your OB can explain how your baby is going to look like on the scan itself. When you get to the baby scan center, they are going to put ultrasound gel on your belly and later there's the ultrasound probe that they will pass over your skin. The baby will then be visible on the monitor because of the baby scan.

What precautions need to be taken when doing a kidney nuclear medicine scan?

If a patient is pregnant, it is generally recommended that she not have a kidney nuclear medicine scan. The unborn baby is more sensitive to radiation than an adult. If a woman thinks she might be pregnant, she should inform her doctor.

When should one go for a baby scan?

Evidence on the internet states that there may not be any defined date for scans carried out during pregnancy other than the first scan that would be done at around 6 to 10 week period. An article states that the National Health Service has cut back in some areas and only offering one scan during the 6 to 10 week period and no other scans if a pregnancy appears to be a healthy pregnancy. The majority of health authorities do still carry out the 6 month scan and when that scan occurs parents may be offered the sex of the baby as well as pictures of the unborn child. An article states that a text book answer to when a scan would take place would be different and dependent on the health authority and the risk factor to mother and baby.

How do you explain mri scan to a child?

You explain that it is cameras that are taking pictures of your body and it feels tigely.