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Good question, the answers is no. Some dogs go into heat twice a year and others only one. Chihuahuas go into heat twice but in 6 month intervals. It is highly recommended to consult your vet ASAP to have a look if you think it is going into heat because of vaginal bleeding. this could be a result of a genetic disorder, vaginal infection or injury all of which can cause your dog to be in great discomfort and the latter two can be deadly if not treated with care.

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Q: Can a chihuahua go into heat 2 months in a row?
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How ofter do chiquaqua dogs go into heat?

Chihuahua's should go into heat once every six months for about two weeks.

Can your 7 month old chihuahua be a stud?

A dog, at seven months od, may go into "heat," but she isn't mature enough to be bred until the second heat.

How often do small dogs come in heat?

No. Many dogs that go in to heat earlier are the ones that are bigger and can mature faster. The bigger breeds, such as a great dane or so, would go into heat much faster then a chihuahua for example. This si because the great dane can mature faster then the chihuahua.

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most female goes go into heat every 7-8 months

If your dog went into heat 2 months ago when will she go into heat again?

Most dogs go into heat once every six months, so your dog still has another 4 months until her next cycle.

How long before a female dog will go into heat again if she just had a litter?

Females go into heat every five to nine months. So five to nine months after her last heat she will go into heat. The litter should not affect her next heat cycle.

How soon after having puppies can a dog go into heat?

A dog will go into heat approximately 4 to 6 months after having puppies, based approximately 6 months after her last heat cycle. When she goes into heat again will depend on how often she goes into heat per year. Most dogs go into heat twice per year, or every 6 months.

When does a female pup go into her first heat?

Many go into heat aroung 8-12 months.

How soon after birth do dogs go in heat?

After birth, dogs go on heat between 5-0 months

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A poodle will go into heat between the ages of 6 and 8 months old.

How many months between heat cycles?

My American pit bull got into heat at ten months when should expect her to go again

Do you count from when pups are born when dog will go in heat again?

not nessicarily. every couple of months they get into heat. i beieve every 4 months