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Yes, but there is no real reason to.

Some Catholics do not regard the baptism of a person as valid unless it is carried out in the Catholic church. However, as long as the baptism of a person is carried out in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit (as instituted by Jesus himself at the very end of Matthew's Gospel) then that baptism is valid whatever the denomination. One is baptised a Christian and not a member of a particular denomination of the Christian Church. Therefore to be baptised again into another denomination is not only not needed, it could be regarded as a snub on the denomination in which the first baptism took place - as ifm it wasn't a 'proper' baptism - and, as such, is unChristian.

As the Anglican Church, Catholic Church, Baptists, Methodists, URC and almost all other denominations of the Christian Church baptise in this way, in the name of the Trinity, then all are valid according to scripture. Those that are not include Mormon baptism (where the vows and beliefs are so different) and the baptism of Jehovah's Witnesses who deny the divinity of Christ and therefore cannot baptise in the name of the Trinity as commanded in Matthew's Gospel.

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13y ago
Roman Catholic AnswerYour child may be baptised as a Catholic if you can convince the priest that there is an excellent chance that the child will be educated and brought up Catholic, otherwise there is no chance. Baptism, aside from its sacramental gifts, imposes a legal obligation to live by the laws of the Church. Thus, for instance, the child would be bound by the marriage laws of the Catholic church. If he were not taught them then he would be in formal sin (he would be committing a sin he didn't even know about) and the responsibility would be yours.
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Q: Can a child be baptized in church of England AND a catholic church?
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Must a Catholic child be baptized in a Catholic church?

Yes, a Catholic child should be baptized in a Catholic church.

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Yes, the Catholic Church believes in one baptism for the forgiveness of original sin. once baptized in any church they are baptized according to the Catholic Church.

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By 'they' do you mean the parents or the entire family? Either way there should be no problem. Talk to a Catholic priest to find out what will be required of you.

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Yes, a child can be baptized if his parents are separated, even if they are divorced. Children are not penalized for the mistakes of their parents.

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Roman Catholic AnswerOf course, if the child is baptized, it is required that he be raised in the Catholic faith. If a child is not baptized, there must be reasonable assurance that he will be raised in the faith, to be baptized.

Can a child get baptized in Catholic church if mother does not want it?

I am unsure about this. Talk to your local priest.

Cana child be baptized by their parents?

Yes, anyone, even an unbaptized person can baptize in emergencies. But if it is not an emergency then the child should be baptized in the Catholic Church. If the Church denies baptism, then it should not be done.

I was baptized a Roman Catholic but confirmed Orthodox and I married a Greek Orthodox can I have my nephew baptized in a Catholic Church?

Since you are confirmed Orthodox and married a Greek Orthodox, the Orthodox Church requires that any children you may have should be baptized Orthodox. Also, as an Orthodox, you are not allowed to baptize your nephew or any other person in a catholic church. From the Catholic point of view, unless your nephew is to be reared a Catholic, he may not be baptized in the Catholic Church. If he is to be reared Catholic, either by his parents or godparents, the Church will receive him. No you are GREEK orthodox u must not I reapeat not baptisma your child at a catholic church.

Can a infant be baptized in Catholic Church if born out of wedlock and one parent is not Catholic?

I can't answer this question accuratly, because I don't know which church you're refering to. But ultimatly it's the child's decision to be baptized, and no matter what the parents' situations are, it can't stop the child from being baptized.Catholic Answer:Yes, parents who are not married can have their child baptized. The Church does not punish the child for the sins of the parents.

Is Tom Brady an atheists?

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