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I don't believe that the Strattera causes OCD symptoms, and it's possible that the hair pulling is not OCD, but possibly a Tic Disorder. My son was diagnosed by a neurologist at five to have a tic disorder (at that time snorting) and ADHD. To treat the ADHD, the Doc prescribed meds like Ritalin and Adderal, and the tics got worse. They also evolved into new and more disturbing habits (such as bald spots from hair pulling.) The Strattera was the only medication that has not aggrivated the tics.

another opinion: I tried Strattera for adult ADD. At a tiny dose of 10 mg, it made me depressed and very OCD-like, at least mentally (obsess on a single thought for hours). I've seen other people on other sites claiming the same thing. So I do think it can cause or exacerbate OCD-like symptons. Everyone reacts differently to these things.

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Q: Can a child develop OCD symptoms on Strattera such as hair pulling?
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