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Q: Can a child drop battery charges filed against a parent?
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If an adult accused your child of sexually abusing her child just to keep her child from seeing his father can your child press charges against her or sue her?

You can as your children's rep.see links--------------------Additional: Citizens cannot "press charges" only law enforcement officers or prosecutors can "bring charges" against people. Minors are legally incapable of bringing lawsuits against anyone, however, as stated in the above answer, you can bring a civil suit against the other parent on behalf of your child but [CAUTION] you had better be fairly certain that the other parent doesn't possess proof of their allegation.

Is it best to file multiple contempt charges at once in a child custody against non custodial parent?

Not if they are addressing the same issue.

Does parent of minor child have to appear in court with minor for speeding offense?

Yes, but only because they are a minor not because you are going to get in trouble or have charges against you.

Can child get taken away from you if you move in with a criminal?

It depends upon the type of charges against them. If the charges are for rape or molestation and you refuse to have them leave the home until the outcome of the charges, then yes they can. I'm not sure if this part of the law would only pertain to the parent of that child or if it would also include a person who has been charged or is guilty of the following crimes. Any crime where one parent kills the other parent (not if it was in self-defense) or the sibling of a child, their parental rights can be terminated.

Can contempt of court charges be brought against the custodial parent for not fullfilling her obligation under the child support order?

Not likely, but there is an alternative. see links below

Can other parent drop charges on an International child abduction?


Can charges be pressed if a parent gives their 17 year old child consent to move and then the parent changes their mind?


Can a parent press charges for contributing to to the delinquency of a minor in Ohio?

A parent can press charges for contributing to the delinquency of a minor in Ohio. Criminal charges can be filed for the crime, and civil charges can be done for any injuries that may have occurred to the minor child.

What can be done if the non custodial parent is turning the child against the other parent?

Go back to the custodial court. Most custody orders and visitation orders etc have a provision against alienation of the child against the other parent.

In Michigan can the noncustodial parent take the children out of state on vacation without the custodial parent's permission?

No, a non custodial parent can not take a child out of state without the custodial parents permission. The non custodial parent could be charged with kidnapping if charges are brought against them.

Does the non custodial parent have rights to file charges pertaining the child?

Certainly. Any person may file charges about anyone.

What happens when Son steals fathers car and wrecks it?

The insurance company will pay for these damages to your car. They will also pay for damages to another vehicle if he hit one unless the parent files theft charges against the son. As most parents will not file charges against their own child the insurer usually winds up paying for all damages. Although the parent may not have given permission for the child to drive, the law usually takes into consideration that 1. the child has access to the vehicle by virtue of residency in the parents home and 2. standard family law makes a parent liable for acts of a minor child anyway.