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Yes, this is possible given the scenario. The child would have inherited both recessive alleles (OO) from its parents, meaning both parents were heterozygous for bloodtype A - AO.

Each parent could have obtained this bloodtype with 3 grandparents type A and one type AB.

Parent 1, for example, with two A type parents: both parents could have been AO or one could have been AA and the other AO.

Parent 2, with an A type parent and an AB parent: the A type parent would be AO and the other, obviously, AB.

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Q: Can a child have O blood group if both parents have A and 3 grandparents A and 1 grand parent AB blood groups?
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Yes, we all get our blood groups from our parents or grandparents.

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Yes, we all get our blood groups from our parents or even our grandparents, so you will find one of your four grandparents are A-.

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Could be anything, we all get our blood groups from our parents or grandparents.

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We all get our blood groups from either our parents or even our grandparents so, yes.

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Yes, we all get our blood groups from our parents or even our grandparents.

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Yes, we all get our blood groups from either our parents and even grandparents.

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Could be any type, we all get our blood groups from our parents or even our grandparents so, if your child is not B positve, your child will have the same blood group as one of its four grandparents.

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It is obtained by parents and/or grandparents.

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Probably O+, but it could be any group, we all get our blood groups from our parents or even our grandparents.

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No. Blood groups are inherited from your parents.