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That is a generalization.

Cigarette smoking has a great many very negative effects on the body and health of the smoker (And maybe on those around him too. There is a lot of controversy about this, but it seems like avoiding as much secondhand smoke as you can is a pretty smart idea.). It is bad for the lungs, the heart, the eyes and the skin. It can most certainly not only shorten your life expectancy but lower your quality of life.

How any given individual's body will react to and deal with the numerous assaults of smoke is impossible to predict. It depends on genetics, overall state of health and LUCK. We've all heard stories of or even known people who smoke for many years and pass away comfortably at 95 years old. But the opposite can also be true, and I personally knew a smoker who died of lung cancer at 40 after only having been a smoker for about 15 years.

So while it is impossible to say exactly how much you may be shortening your life and harming your health by smoking, it should be enough to say that smoking is a very risky and stupid thing to do and taking the chance is definitely not worth it.

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1w ago

Smoking cigarettes can contribute to a shorter life span by increasing the risk of various health conditions such as cancer, Heart disease, and respiratory problems. The exact impact on life span can vary depending on individual factors such as frequency and duration of smoking. However, smoking cigarettes every ten minutes can significantly increase health risks and reduce life expectancy.

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Smoking a single cigarette lowers your life expectancy by what?

On average, smoking a single cigarette can lower your life expectancy by about 11 minutes. However, this can vary based on individual health factors and smoking habits.

Long long does 1 cigarette take off your life?

On average, smoking one cigarette takes about 11 minutes off your life. However, the cumulative effects of smoking can lead to a significantly shortened lifespan due to various health complications related to smoking. It's important to quit smoking to improve your long-term health outcomes.

What is the average life expectancy for a 3.0L OHV V6 Vulcan?

The average life expectancy of a 3.0L OHV V6 Vulcan engine can vary depending on maintenance, driving habits, and overall care. With proper maintenance and regular servicing, these engines can last upwards of 200,000 miles or more. However, lack of maintenance or severe driving conditions can shorten their lifespan.

How long will a 60 year old aloholic man live if hes been a heavy drinker for 40 years?

It is difficult to predict the exact lifespan of an individual, as it depends on various factors such as overall health, genetics, and lifestyle choices. However, heavy alcohol consumption over a long period of time can increase the risk of various health issues, including liver disease, heart disease, and certain cancers, which can shorten life expectancy. It is important for the individual to seek medical advice and make lifestyle changes to improve their health and potentially extend their lifespan.

Are your 40s the worst years of your life?

Not necessarily. Everyone's experience is different. Some people find their 40s to be a time of self-discovery, career growth, and personal fulfillment. It's important to focus on the positive aspects of every stage of life.

Related questions

Does one cigarette shorten your life?

Yes. according to this site, by 11 minutes...

What are the dangers of smoking one cigarette?

did you know smoking one cigarette can take 10 minutes of you life? every day you have of a cigarette takes 10 seconds offy your life.

How many minutes of life do you lose every pack of cigarettes?

every cigarette you lose 13 minutes of your life so count the number in a pack and do the math

What does smoking do?

Give you lung cancer and every cigarette you smoke, you lose 7-11 minutes of your life.

How does smoking shorten your life?

For smoking, it would be unwise to say that it "shortens" one's life. Although studies give the answer that a cigarette takes 11 minutes off of your life, this is not necessarily correct. It was obtained through math, paying no attention to how the body functions. If you were to smoke on a regular basis for the rest of your life, yes, each one would take about 11 minutes off, but if you quit before any permanent damage was done and you have enough time left in you to keep on living, then your lungs will heal themselves right as rain (given proper time that is).

How much life does one cigarette take off someone's life?

I've heard 2.5 minutes per cigarette

Is there scientific evidence that proves for every cigarette you smoke a minute is taken off of your life?

My stop smoking worker told me that smoking one cigarette takes 5 minutes off your life. But if you are only young, then you can become healthy again fast, unlike somebody that has been smoking for 30 years. smoking has over 4000 deadly chemicals in one smoke. some include nail polish remover, dust from a factory floor, and even carbon monoxide that if you breath in enough times it makes you sleepy and kills you in your sleep by seeping into your heart and painfully shuts it down :(

How many seconds does smoking take away from a person's life?

About 15 minutes each cigarette smoked.

How much time does one cigarette take away from your life?

7 minutes.

Smoking a single cigarette life expectancy?

About 5 minutes, if you take it slow.

Does sucking on plastic shorten your life?

yes every sec is equal to 1 hr!

Why should'nt people smoke?

Well the obvious answer is that smoking kills you. Every time you smoke a cigarette it sheds off about 5 minutes of your life. Which is actually funny because it also takes around 5 minutes to smoke it.