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If you're asking how it detects pregnancy, it does so by having a chemical dye that reacts with the hormones that are present when pregnant.

If you're asking how it gives a negative result and then later gives a positive result, that is due to the test chemicals reacting differently with time. After a certain amount of time has passed (3-5 minutes, read the directions), the test is no longer good and any results should be discarded. Any questions, get another test.

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Q: Can a clear blue go from not pregnant to pregnant?
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Yes, she can. But a test will clear any doubt.

What does it mean if the clear blue digital test says you are 2-3 weeks pregnant?

maybe that your pregnant and see your Doctor to confirm the test results.

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On a clear blue pregnancy test what does one dark line mean?

If it is digital you are not supposed to read the lines, only the "pregnant" or "not pregnant." If it is a regular one, it means you are not pregnant or the test was not done correctly.

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It probably means your pregnant. Cause a smiley face=happy, and usually people are happy when they get pregnant.

Im 14 and pregnant will you get in trouble if you dont go to school?

It is important to prioritize your education even while pregnant. It is recommended to discuss your situation with a trusted adult, such as a parent, teacher, or school counselor, who can help provide support and guidance on how to balance school and pregnancy. There are usually options and resources available to help pregnant students continue their education.

How do you keep your pool clean and clear?

by using chemicals go to special pool shops they are brilliant and clear the algae, not to mention making your pool blue and clear!

Is water blue?

Yes. I may seem clear, but there is a hint of blue in it. If you ever go to the north pole and dig in the ice, you can see water that is blue.

Does watery clear discharge always mean your pregnant?

No! It is not a clear indicator at all that you might be pregnant.