

Can a crested gecko eat a green anole?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Can a crested gecko eat a green anole?
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no, crested geckos are solitary animal they will kill and might eat the other animal

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definitely not a good idea, they tend to eat &/or torture them

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no crested geckos are solitary animal's, and will kill and might eat the other animal.

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Yes, the green anole do eat roaches. they will also eat crickets, fly's and other small bugs

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What kinds of fruits do anole eat?

Wild green anoles do not eat fruit, but they do occasionally sip flower nectar. In captivity, some folks offer them pureed fruit--peaches and berries would be ok, but only as a very rare treat. Crested Gecko diet or day gecko diet formulas (powders that you mix with water) can be offered to them regularly. Green anoles appear to enjoy these things, but brown and bark anoles are usually not interested, and want only insects.

Can a crested gecko eat shrimp meal worms and pellet?

NO! Crested geckos should have a fruit based diet. They should be fed Repashy Crested Gecko Diet, available online. Dusted crickets are OK as an occasional treat.

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Green anoles do not eat cat food, they eat spiders and small insects. They are also known as the red-throated anole.

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Do crested geckos?

Cretsed Geckos will shed their skin about two or three times a year. Sometimes, the gecko will eat its skin!

Do geckos eat bananas?

While a tiny amount of overripe banana might be accepted as a treat, they would probably find a bit of pureed peach to be more palatable. Green anoles eat primarily insects, and small amounts of sweet fruit can be offered, but only as an occasional treat. A better choice would probably be Repashy crested gecko diet or Repashy day gecko diet, which is a powder that is mixed with water. It has a sweet flavor, and PROBABLY can provide complete nutrition for a green anole, provided the lizard likes it. (They are all individuals). It should be noted that other small anole species (such as brown anoles) have not been observed to go after sweets the way green anoles do. I have maintained mourning geckos on Repashy crested gecko diet, and they were extremely healthy, and produced robust and healthy babies which likewise grew well, exclusively on the diet. It would be worth trying this with green anoles.