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Yes, my dog had his shot just before he went in the kennels, when he came back he was coughing like mad! The same has happened to my cousins dog.

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No, ferrets are not known to get kennel cough.

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Q: Can a dog get kennel cough after they get that shot?
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Can I bring my dog to the kennel when he's on antibiotics for kennel cough?

Kennel cough is contagious, the dogs should be kept separate until cured

What is correct dosage for a 4 lb dog of amoxocillin for kennel cough?

Amoxicillin does not help with kennel cough. Go see your veterinarian.

Should your dog get a bordetella shot if he is never in a kennel?

Yes. The diaseases the vaccine protects against are airborn and unless your dog lives in its own plastic bubble, chances are it will breathe outside air ONCE in its life and is succeptible to "Kennel Cough".

What disesas do dog jabs prevent?

it depends what jab your getting for your dog. If you get the kennel cough jab then that treat kennel cough (obviously) etcetera etcetera. but if you get the annual dog jab then it treats most common diseases.

How they contract kennel cough?

If your dog shows symptoms of kennel cough the first thing you need to do is isolate him from other pets you may have or be in contact with. Go to the vet A.S.A.P. The'll take it from here.

How often should be dog be vaccinated against kennel cough?


What causes a 21.1 pound Pekingese dog to cough and wretch all night long?

My opinion is Kennel Cough

What can you do if your dog has kettle cough and you cant afford a vet?

It is kennel cough,not kettle. The dog will get over it in 2 to 3 weeks without doing anything. If the coughing is driving you crazy just give the dog a teaspoon of over the counter cough medicine.It is basically just a dog cold.There is a shot and a nasla innoculation that you can give every 6 months that will prevent the dog from getting it.

Can kennel cough cause dogs to be violent?

Generally no - kennel cough is the lay term for an upper respiratory infection with Bordetella bacteria. Dogs that are sick tend to be lethargic and resist playing or other interactions. If you keep bothering the dog, it may snap at you to get you to leave it alone, but kennel cough shouldn't cause a dog to deliberately attack anything.

Signs of kennel cough?

Kennel cough is perhaps the closest canine equivalent to the common cold. It's rarely life-threatening, but it sure can be uncomfortable for your dog. Fortunately, an annual vaccination can protect your dog from kennel cough. If you plan to board your dog, enter him into competition, or let him spend lots of time around other dogs, get him vaccinated. At many shows and kennels, in fact, it's required. Aside from the hacking cough, your dog will appear generally healthy, with a good appetite. He'll simply suffer through it.

What medicine can you give your dog for kennel cough?

Our dog has recently returned from the kennels with Kennels cough. We have been using Benylin tickly cough medicine which was recommended by the vet. It has stop her coughing as frequently.

How long is kennel cough contagious after antibiotic?

Once your dog has completed treatment for Kennel Cough, it can continue to infect other dogs for 6-14 weeks. Being vacinated for Kennel Cough does not guarantee complete protection (no vaccine guarantees complete protection) but it will lower the chance of infection.