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It is kennel cough,not kettle. The dog will get over it in 2 to 3 weeks without doing anything. If the coughing is driving you crazy just give the dog a teaspoon of over the counter cough medicine.It is basically just a dog cold.There is a shot and a nasla innoculation that you can give every 6 months that will prevent the dog from getting it.

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Q: What can you do if your dog has kettle cough and you cant afford a vet?
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Our dog has recently returned from the kennels with Kennels cough. We have been using Benylin tickly cough medicine which was recommended by the vet. It has stop her coughing as frequently.

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A regular cough in a dog can be a symptom of "kennel cough," which the canine version of cold or flu, or it could be allergies, or it could be something much worse. Take your dog to the vet ASAP to find out what's wrong and learn how to treat it.

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What disesas do dog jabs prevent?

it depends what jab your getting for your dog. If you get the kennel cough jab then that treat kennel cough (obviously) etcetera etcetera. but if you get the annual dog jab then it treats most common diseases.

Can a dog get kennel cough after they get that shot?

Yes, my dog had his shot just before he went in the kennels, when he came back he was coughing like mad! The same has happened to my cousins dog.