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Q: Can a father sign over fights of child and waive child support?
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In the state of Georgia if father of the child wants all rights terminated is he still liable for child support?

Yes. see linksAns 2.The father has the option to waive his rights if he wants to, and if he can convince the judge that he is sane, sober and not under coercion as he does so.This has nothing at all to do with child support, which is not his right, but his responsibility. In general the mother can't waive child support either, because support is her child's right, not hers.THAT IS CORRECT.....unless the child's mother has re-married and her husband wants to adopt this child, that would release the biological father from paying child support.

Can a Florida mother receive child support even if she owes child support on a previous case?

If the mother isn't receiving any kind of assistance from the government, she can waive the right to child support from the father, but it wouldn't be in the child's best interest. Child support is the child's right, not the mother's. If the mother were really well off financially, or if she didn't want the father anywhere around the child, she could waive the child's right to support. The father has a responsibility to help take care of the child he helped bring into this world.ClarificationGenerally, in the US, a mother cannot legally waive a child's right to support from their father. A child is legally entitled to be supported by both parents. However, the mother can choose to not involve the court if the parents were never married or if there will be no divorce action filed. However, if the mother doesn't want the money she should put in a college fund for the child.

Can your ex wife wave child support?

"waive" ... Yes, with the court's permission. She cannot waive support due the State as reimbursement for assistance provided.

May the father of the child waive child support arrears if they both have joint custody but father has physical custody and mother has child for summer and holidays?

No. If there's a court order against the father, which resulted in any kind of arrears, the father is still responsible for it. Arrears are paid and there's no statute of limitations on it, as well as, any support and/or custody modifications.

If a mother has custody of a child can she waive child support and move without consent of the father?

Child support may be waived only with the consent of the court/agency that entered the order. The divorce or support order may contain language about moving the child.

Can the mother move with the child if the father and her agree on child support amond themselfves?

By law, child support belongs to the child. Therefore, parents cannot agree between themselves to waive or reduce child support, either past-due or current. The venue that issued the order must approve any such agreement.

How do you remove a child support hold on license?

The easiest way is to pay off the child support! Otherwise, you have to go to court and get the judge to waive it.

Can a single parent waive child support?

Yes. If the parent ever need financial help from the state, they will come after child support from the non-custodial parent first.

How do you stop child support for the non custodial parent even if he owes back child support?

The parents can agree to waive the unpaid support - the court must approve this after finding it to be in the child's best interest.

Who can waive the child support arrears after adoption in Texas?

Has to be approved by the court and cannot be owed Welfare.

How does a mother cancel child support?

You go back to court and file the papers to do so. The forms are readily available if you want to file them yourself.Another PerspectiveHowever, you should be aware that in the United States most jurisdictions will not allow a mother to waive child support from the child's father. The reason is that the child is entitled to the support of both parents. If the mother doesn't need to money then it should be deposited in the child's name, perhaps for college or whatever the child decides when they reach the age of majority.Also, if the mother is receiving any type of financial assistance the state will pursue child support from the father.

Can custodial parent waive child support arrears in Texas?

Technically arrears cannot be waived. However, a custodial parent can fill out a form stating that no child support is due.