

Can a girl have a late period to gardasil?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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Q: Can a girl have a late period to gardasil?
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How long to wait before getting the second Gardasil shot?

The normal wait is 2 months until the 2nd Gardasil shot. If you are late, you DO NOT need to restart the series.

Could stress cause the girl's period to be late?


Gardasil in chickenpox?

Gardasil is a vaccine for HPV. It has nothing to do with chicken pox.

Can stress make your period a month late?

Yes, it can. I dated a girl who had a month-late period at least three times during our relationship, due to stress.

What does it mean if a girl is late?

If someone says that a girl is late they can mean that the girl is pregnant from having to much hard core sex during or not during a period and is over due for having her baby

What is a Gardasil shot for?

Gardasil is a vaccination that is intended to protect against four types of human papillomavirus (HPV).

Does gardasil affect birth control?

There are no known drug interactions between Gardasil and hormonal birth control.

Do you feel Gardasil is a safe drug for teenage girls?

Yes. A lot of teenage girls get vaccinated with Gardasil.

Can a girl be pregnant after having protected sex has a late period but then a few days later gets her period?

Yes, this is an indicator of pregnancy.

What are the chances a girl is pregnant if she gets her period late and it ends early?

I have before my period, I start my period for 3 days then My period was stop after my period for 3 days, I want to know what happened to me?

What if a girl is late on her period by 2 weeks?

Then eighter she is pregnant and needs to take a pregnancy test or she may be stressing alot and that causes for her to miss her period

Why do they ask if there is any chance you may be pregnant before you get gardasil?

For people who are pregnant, Gardasil is generally considered safe. This is based on animal studies that looked at the effects of Gardasil during pregnancy. However, Gardasil is generally not recommended during pregnancy, as the full risks of its use are not known. It is recommended to wait until after pregnancy to get the Gardasil vaccine. It has not been studied in women, only in animal trials, so it is considered Pregnancy Category B (probably safe).