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The simple answer is yes. Gluten free can be bad for you if you don't have Celiac disease.

Celiac disease is something approximately 1 out of every 133 people have, and it is a severe allergy to gluten. Celiac disease causes the bacteria in your intestines to attack your intestinal lining whenever you eat gluten. The only cure is to go completely gluten free for life. Stopping the consumption of gluten does eliminate the symptoms of Celiac disease and will help people with this condition to feel better.

However, many people are jumping on the "no gluten" bandwagon even if they don't have Celiac disease. Celebrities who swear by it's weight-loss benefits are helping to fuel this popularity.

Since gluten is found naturally in wheat but added to many processed products (including soy sauce and salad dressing) for it's flavor and binding properties, gluten can be hard to avoid. A diet free of gluten often lacks in fiber, vitamin B, and iron. In addition, manufactured 'gluten free' foods often have added sugar to help them taste better and added fat to hold them together, leading to more calories and ultimately less health benefits(for example, gluten free pretzels have 40 more calories and 6 times the fat of regular pretzels per serving). The best gluten free products are the ones without labels: fresh fruits and vegetables.

The best thing to do is talk to your doctor about gluten. Only your doctor can tell you if you have Celiac disease and really need to go gluten free. If you aren't allergic to gluten, experts say that there's no reason for you to avoid it. Eat a wholesome balanced diet and the health benefits will be far greater than what gluten free could do for you.

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Q: Can a gluten free diet be bad for you even if you do not have celiac disease?
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Can you massage someone with Coeliacs Disease?

Massage is not a treatment for coeliac (or celiac) disease, which can only be treated by the avoidance of gluten in the diet, however, you can still massage someone with that disease. Massage is likely to be beneficial even if it does not treat this particular disease.

Is celiac disease fatal?

No, celiac disease is not fatal. you have nothing to worry about. I've had celiac disease for 3 years and I'm fine. all you have to do is stay off gluten, or wheat. You have to avoid wheat, rye, barley and any other grain in which the protein gluten is found. Most if not all people with Celiac disease must also avoid gluten by-products like malt that is used in many processed foods. Most every commercially prepared food product has some form of gluten agent in it, so read labels carefully or you may be ingesting gluten without even knowing it. Visit for more info. Actually, it can be fatal. My aunt died from Celiac Disease in 2006.

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A gluten-free diet can be helpful for some people with Autism. Autistic people are six times more likely to suffer digestive problems, some will be intolerant or sensitvie to gluten, but even in those who aren't a gluten-free diet can be a healthier option and can help with symptoms.

How do young teens with Celiac fair at making and keeping friends?

Young teens with Celiac disease may face challenges in making and keeping friends due to dietary restrictions that can impact social activities involving food. However, with open communication about their condition, understanding friends, and seeking out inclusive social gatherings, they can create and maintain friendships like any other teenager. Joining support groups or clubs related to Celiac disease may also help them connect with peers who share similar experiences.

What is gluten intolerent?

A gluten intolerant person is someone who's body can't tolerate gluten. Gluten is found in wheat, rye and barley but most gluten intolerant people also avoid oats due to contamination with wheat during transport. This intolerance isn't deadly, but does effect your body. If you think you may be gluten intolerant you should see a doctor to be tested. You could end up having celiac disease which can cause all sorts of intestinal damage among other things and even raise your risk for cancer. Symptoms of gluten intolerance include: bloating, flatulence and/or burping, adominal pain, joint pain, itchy rash, constipation and/or diarrhoea. You may have all or even none of these and turn out to have Celiac Disease so particularly if there is a family history of gluten intolerance or Celiac Disease you should get yourself tested by a doctor. If you test negative to Celiac Disease but have any of the above symptoms, try a gluten free diet (remember you must completely eliminate gluten from the diet - not just cut down) for 6 weeks to see if things improve. If the symptoms disappear, then you know that you are gluten intolerant. There is no cure for gluten intolerance or Celiac Disease, you just avoid gluten for the rest of your life - and believe me it is worth it.

Does a gluten free diet promote weight loss?

I am on a gluten free diet. Not because I want to be but because I have celiac disease. I found about about a month ago and have been on a strictly gluten free diet for the last month maybe a little longer which includes making sure there is no cross contamination between foods. I have lost about 9 pounds in the last month without even really trying. It will not necessarily promote weight loss just because of the elimination of gluten. Celiac disease interferes with a person's ability to extract nutrients from digesting food because the villi in the intestines are shrunk by the gluten. Once gluten is eliminated from the diet, the villi return to their regular size and now will more efficiently extract nutrients from eaten food. The result could very well be weight gain instead of weight loss.

What is the best way to get a celiac disease test?

Yes. Children can get Celiac Disease at any age. A child can have Celiakc Disease when there born. Adults and Children and teenagers can get it. Even grandparents. At any age you can get Celiac Disease.

Is jello allowed on gluten free diet?

I was told not to use jello instant pudding with celiac disease. Is your cooked puddings also unsafe, even tho they might not list wheat, barley, rye, malt etc. can it be cross contamination that is possible.

Are Raspberry flavoured Vodka Cruisers Gluten Free?

Gluten is a wheat protein that is harmless to the roughly 99 percent of the population that do not have Celiac Disease. Even though vodka is made from wheat, no proteins make it past the distillation process.

Celiac Disease Symptoms & Treatments?

Celiac disease, also known as celiac sprue, affects approximately three in 400 adults, making it one of the most common disorders of its kind. People with this disorder have an autoimmune response to gluten, a protein found in many grains. Early diagnosis and proper management of this condition is important in order to maintain good health. Fortunately, if you have celiac disease, management is simple and effective.Celiac disease symptomsThe first symptoms of celiac disease that you may notice include gastrointestinal problems, such as chronic diarrhea or constipation (sometimes both), abdominal pain, excessive gas and bloating. Because the disorder causes changes in the intestine, your body may not properly absorb nutrients from food, which may cause you to lose a lot of weight even if you think you eat enough. If your condition remains unmanaged for a long time, this inadequate nutrition may cause other problems, such as osteoporosis, vitamin deficiency or anemia. Less obvious symptoms of celiac disease include large amounts of fat in the stool, fatigue and depression.Diagnosing celiac diseaseThe definitive test for celiac disease requires a biopsy, or tissue sample, from the portion of the small intestine just beyond the stomach. Often it is not practical to do a biopsy, so your doctor may order a blood test to look for several antibodies that are usually found in people with celiac disease. If these tests are inconclusive, your doctor may make a tentative diagnosis based on your symptoms and ask you to eliminate gluten from your diet for a while. If your symptoms improve after eliminating gluten, your doctor may confirm the diagnosis.If you suspect that you have celiac disease, consult a qualified physician as soon as possible. Early diagnosis and treatment can minimize the effects of celiac disease and return you to good health. What happens nextTreatment is simple. If you are diagnosed with celiac disease, you must eliminate gluten from your diet. Gluten is a protein found in all kinds of wheat, (including spelt, einkorn, kamut, triticale and semolina), rye, barley and many varieties of oats. You must avoid foods containing any of these. This is challenging at first, because these grains are often used in ways that are not obvious, such as filler, starch, binder, excipients, extenders and malt. Fortunately, more and more foods are labeled clearly as to whether they are gluten-free. It may take some time for your symptoms to subside, but some relief comes fairly quickly.Living with celiac disease is challenging, but the condition is eminently manageable. If you follow the dietary guidelines and your doctor's instructions, you can expect considerable relief from the symptoms of celiac disease while eating well. If you suspect that you have celiac disease, please consult a qualified professional, because you do not have to live with the discomfort of celiac disease.

What happens if celiacs have normal flour?

Even traces of gluten can do serious damage to a Celiac Disease Patient's intestines and can put them at a greater risk for intestinal cancer and other adverse side effects.

If you have celiac disease can you be a vegetarian?

Sure. You'll have to pay even more attention than the average vegetarian to your diet though, in order to get all essentiall nutrients.