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Ether Bond

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1w ago

Yes, a glycosidic bond between two monosaccharides can be classified as an ether bond because it involves the linking of two monosaccharides through the oxygen atom of one of the monosaccharides. It is not classified as an alcohol bond because an alcohol bond typically refers to a covalent bond between an -OH group and another atom in a molecule.

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Q: Can a glycosidic bond between two monosaccharides also be classified as an alcohol bond or an ether bond?
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Name of bond between glucose molecules to form a polymer?

Glycosidic Bond. For example, in a disaccharide, two monosaccharides form a glycosidic bond with the loss of water.

What bonds form between monosaccharides during the formation of a disaccharide?

A glycosidic bond forms between monosaccharides during the formation of a disaccharide. This bond is created through a dehydration reaction, where a hydroxyl group from one monosaccharide combines with the anomeric carbon of another monosaccharide, releasing a molecule of water in the process.

Polysaccharides are held together by a specific type of covalent bond called?

glycosidic bonds, which are between monosaccharides.

Covalent bond between two mono saccharide called?

A covalent bond formed between a carbohydrate molecule and another molecule (in this case, between two monosaccharides) is known as a glycosidic bond. Glycosidic bonds (also called glycosidic linkages) can be of the alpha or the beta type.

Describe the formation of glycosidic linkage and the importance of it?

A covalent bond formed between two monosaccharides by a dehydration reaction.

The bond that is formed between two glucose molecules is called what?

A bond between a sugar (the ribose sugar) and a non sugar (the base) is called a glycosidic bond.

When to monosaccharides combine to make a disaccharide what additional molecule is formed?

When two monosaccharides combine, a molecule of water (H2O) is formed as a byproduct, and a glycosidic bond is formed between the two monosaccharides. This results in the formation of a disaccharide.

What kind of molecules is formed when many molecules are combined?

Bonds can also form between the 1 and 6 carbon of two glucose molecules forming a 1-6 alpha-glycosidic bond. Because of the structure of glycosidic bonds, the two monosaccharides in a disaccharide do not have to be the same.

What kind of molecule is formed when many disacchirade molecules are combined?

Bonds can also form between the 1 and 6 carbon of two glucose molecules forming a 1-6 alpha-glycosidic bond. Because of the structure of glycosidic bonds, the two monosaccharides in a disaccharide do not have to be the same.

What are structural differences between monosaccharides disaccharides and polysaccharides?

they are related to each other because they are all made of glucose molecules.

What is the source of monosaccharides?

Monosaccharides are primarily sourced from carbohydrates in our diet, including fruits, vegetables, dairy products, and grains. These simple sugars are broken down during digestion into glucose, fructose, and galactose, which are then absorbed into the bloodstream to provide energy for the body.

What is needed to produce energy from carbohydrates?

To utilize energy from a nutrient, the bonds need to be broken. Polysaccharides cannot be digested until it has been broken down into monomers (monosaccharides). To do this, enzymes need to break the glycosidic linkages between monomers.