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yes. if you give it salad

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Q: Can a great white shark turn into a vegetarian?
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Related questions

Why cant the great white move backwards instead of forward?

The shark can only be propelled forward (or turn in a circle) by sideways movement of the tail.

How does the great white shark protect itself from predators?

A great white shark protects itself from predators with its distinctive coloring. The dark top side of its body makes it difficult for predators to see it from above while the light bottom side makes it tough for predators to see it from below. The white shark also has sharp teeth and a powerful tail to escape predators or attack when cornered.

How do you turn into a shark?

You cannot.

What determines if a particular trait is advantageous to survival?

All you have to do is think about the particular trait, and try to notice is it could branch off, or lead to a way for that certain thing to survive. For example, if I had The great white shark as my topic, then if a trait was intelligent, or clever, I could turn that into a statement that says: " Great white sharks can use their clever instincts to help them hunt prey." (that was a little vague, but it was an example) So all you have to do is see if you can turn it into a statement similar to that.

Are great white sharks endanger?

Yesyes it is Although the great white is typically regarded as an apex predator in the wild, it is in rare cases, preyed upon by the larger orca (also known as a killer whale). Interspecific competition between the great white shark and the orca is probable in regions where dietary preferences of both species may overlap.[35] An incident was documented on October 4, 1997 in the Farallon Islands off California-an estimated 4.7-5.3-metre (15-17 ft) female orca immobilized an estimated 3-4-metre (9.8-13 ft) great white shark.[42] The orca held the shark upside down to induce the tonic immobility, and kept the shark still for fifteen minutes, causing it to suffocate and then proceeded to eat the dead shark's liver.[35][42][43] Another similar attack apparently occurred there in 2000, but its outcome is not clear.[44] After both attacks, the local population of about 100 great whites vanished.[43][44] Following the 2000 incident, a great white with a satellite tag was found to have immediately submerged to depth of 500 m and swam to Hawaii.[44]During prehistoric times, other large toothed whales, such as Squalodon and Dorudon may have also preyed on great white sharks.[citation needed] These whales, in turn, were likely preyed on by the much larger lamnid shark C. megalodon. Basilosaurus, one of the largest predatory whales that ever lived, closely matched C. megalodon in size. This extinct whale almost certainly would have, at least occasionally, hunted and eaten great whites.[citation needed] Upon the extinction of these macropredatory whales, the orca is now the great white's only natural predator.

What woman did Zeus turn into a white cow?

Great question. Her name was Io.

Is it possible to turn into a shark?

Of course not!

Whole world should turn vegetarian or not?

It depends of if they want to or not.

Can Great White Sharks drownd?

Actually, Great White Sharks can drownd. All u have to do is have them turn upside down. ( Honestly I am not an expert but I have heard of it happening befor.)

Do great white sharks change gender?

No. They turn into teenage mutant ninja sharks.

How old was bill kaulitz when he turn into a vegeterian?

He turned into a vegetarian in 2009.

If you have two black fin shark catfish what could cause their scales to peel off and turn white and what are the treatments?

Answerthey may have something that I believe is called ick. My gold fish got this and they would turn white or get white spots. You can find drops to put in the water at any pet store that carries fish.