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Rats require more excersize than a hamster cage will allow for. They like to run and investigate and play so give them room to do so. Many hamster cages are barely big enough for hamsters let alone a rat. Look for cages that are open (not aquariums) for air circulation and that have tight enough metal bands so that a rat can not get its head caught in the wall of the cage.

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Does a hamster live in a cage?

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Erm, I wouldn't recommend it...

Can a syrian hamster live in a plastic cage?

Yes! They can o have my hamster In a 860 square inch bin cage and it works great! Just don't house a gerbil in it because the will chew out, but a hamster will be perfectly fine!

How can you get a pregnant hamster from the petshop?

i don't think they sell that because when i bought my hamster, all of them live in a different cage alone.

Can a hamster live in a box?

No, they will chew through it. Get a 10 gallon tank or a wire cage.

Do robo hamster hate cages that other hamsters used?

well maybe yes if the old hamster owners don't clean the cage for the other hamster to live in!

Can you put a female black bear hamster and a female hairless rat in the same cage together?

NO. You can not put two different animals in the same cage! This is dangerous. They may fight and the hamster will probably not live. So unless you want a dead hamster, do not put them together.

Can a teddy bear hamster and a Mongolian gerbil live in the same cage?

Syrian Hamsters will kill and eat a gerbil, do not put them together in the same cage.

What do you need to now about a hamster?

what to feed it when to put it in a play ball and when to change the water wood chips and when to wash thier cage how long they live and how long they need to exercize is what you need to now about a hamster and wher to put cage.