

Can a horse eat potato plants?

Updated: 11/12/2022
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11y ago

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NO! Potatoes and Tomatoes are both part of the deadly Nightshade family and are extremely toxic to horses if consumed. You can feed cooked potatoes to horses but I believe it's best to just avoid feeding it to them altogether as potatoes break down mainly into starch, which horses don't need in large amounts.

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Q: Can a horse eat potato plants?
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No. A horse is a herbivore, so it can only eat plants.

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Potato beetles probably can not eat lettuce. Potato beetles evolved in the Rocky Mountains of North America. They could only live on a plant similar to a potato. When farmers began growing potatoes, they moved to potato plants. They were able to live on their original hosts as well as potato plants. In fact, potato plants provided a better place for them. So, the fact that they were unable to spread until they could move to potato plants makes it seem like it will be difficult to find somewhere else they can grow.

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What is the function of a potato?

The natural function of a potato is to produce more potato plants. We take the potato and bake, fry, and mash them to eat. Children are even taught to use potatoes to print pictures!

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The things they have in common are they are one of the est things to eat for dinner

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horses are not predators, they are herbavors and eat only plants.

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Ihave small tomato growing out of blossoms of potato plants Any idea what these would be?

As the tomato and the potato are close relatives the seed pod of a potato looks like a green tomato. What you have is a potato seed pod. Do not be tempted to eat it.