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No they can't. After the first frost of the winter all the parasites die. It is a good idea to worm your horses just after the first frost to ensure that your horse didn't pick up any parasites or worms during the summer.

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12y ago

Horses can have worms all year but winter approaching treat for Bots.

In November & January you need to deworm with an `Ivermectin` product like Eqvalan. Bots are eggs laid on the horses legs in the summer by the gadfly - then ingested when the horse licks his legs. The eggs hatch and remain under the horses tongue for 3 weeks and are then swallowed .The larvae remain inside the horses gut over winter and in spring pass out with the droppings.

The larvae then enjoy the spring sunshine and hatch into those annoying gadflys (horsefly) and lay more eggs on the horses legs.

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Q: Can a horse get worms in the winter?
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Yes. Though the parasitic worms of horses are similar to the worms of dogs, they are not the the same. This means that horses won't pick up worms from dogs and vice versa.

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Does horse worm pill kill hook worms and tape worms as well?

Most over-the-counter horse dewormers are effective against most kinds of hook worms. However, tape worms are a totally different type of worm that can be killed only with medications available through your veterinarian.

What horse wormer is recommended for winter?

There is no real best, because the active ingredients tend to be the same, but you want to rotate the dewormer and choose one with a different active ingredient every time you deworm a horse. Otherwise, the worms develop an immunity.