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Never mix species that would not normally be found together in their natural habitat ! Those two species belong in Africa and Asia respectively.

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Q: Can a house geckos be in the same cage as a leopard geckos?
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What are all the leopard geckos enemies?

A leopard geckos enemies are other lizards or geckos. NEVER put two of them in the same tank especially two males. you may not have problems at the time but I guarantee that you will later. Leopard geckos like living alone. if you put them together they will eventually fight until death.

Can an iguana be in same tank as leopard gecko?

no absolutely not! If your leopard gecko needs a companion try another leopard gecko (you can not pair male leopard geckos with other male leopard gecko)

How should you mate your leopard geckos?

You should put them in the same tank and hope for the best.

Which is easier leopard geckos or panther geckos?

They require almost the exact same care, but I like my panther geckos more because they are a bit smaller, cleaner, and never bite

Can two female leopard gecko breed?

Yes two leopard geckos can breed from the same male and you can also breed them to the male

If two male leopard geckos are put in the same cage will they fight?

yes even if they grow up together they will fight to the death

Do Gecko migrate?

No; leopard geckos live the deserts; it is the same climate all year and there is no reason for migration

Can panther geckos live with leopard geckos?

Leopard geckos cannot live with panther geckos. Even though care for both are generally the same, there are some huge differences between the two. Leopard geckos are usually between 7 and 10 inches long (some almost a foot), and panthers are 4-6 (or occasionally up to 8) inches long. This size difference alone could do it. The Leopard geckos would pick on the panther geckos. Also, the climate of the two needs to be very different. Panther geckos live in southern Madagascar naturally, while Leopard geckos live in Afghanistan and neighboring countries. Panther geckos need higher humidity levels than Leopards, and lower temperatures. Together, either the leopard gecko, or the panther gecko, will suffer, if not both. Please, don't keep these two creatures together. It won't work out well.

Can female and female Leopard Geckos live together?

Yes, but two males is a bad idea. and unless you want baby gecko's, no male or female. However, make sure they get along. i had 2 females and they fought alot. one had to be put down as she stopped eating, which the vet blamed on the other one stopping it. Any danger with gecko's is cage mates accidentally standing on eachothers tails. be aware of thses facts before getting another gecko.

Are leopard geckos friendly?

The only times I know that they are aggressive are: 1. when you put a different type of gecko in the same tank. (I have heard of some that are ok) 2. if you put two male leopard geckos together. (females are normally ok) 3. they are very aggressive to crickets! :)

How do you tell a leopard geckos gender?

Well I know the answer for leopard geckos, but I am not sure for House Geckos. Anyhow, they are probably the same. You can tell a gecko if it is a male or a female by looking in the middle of their hind legs. A boy will have a black v-ish sort of thing, whereas girls will have no marking at all. Just skin.

Can you have a leopard geckos and long tailed lizard in the same tan?

helll no they will fight all the time. mostly over territory and food.