

Can a human escape magma

Updated: 12/3/2022
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Q: Can a human escape magma
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Can magma escape from only one place in a volcano?

no because the animoulisous allows the temioplaniting to happen in the guganilanic which the allows the magma to escape through the yimanotimyhuk

Do gases escape from a low silica magma easier than it does a high silica magma?


Why is silica rich magma explosive?

This is because silica-rich magma is thicker. The thicker the magma, the chance for the dissolved gas in there to escape is less likely. This causes an explosion. When the gases do escape, they cause an even bigger explosion

What is the name of magma escape onto earth surface?


Describe how differences in magma affect volcanic eruptions?

It depends on the texture of the magma, if it is thick then it won't let the gases escape, and if it is liquidy then the gases will escape resulting in a nonexplosive eruption. If the magma is high in silica and water then it will be thick If the magma is low or has no silica or water then it will be liquidy. - Negehna 6th Grade

What kind of magma produce violent volcanoes eruptions?

Rhyolitic magma. This type of magma is found where the gases can't escape like in volcanic eruptions. Because the gas can not escape, the magma becomes viscous, resulting in the explosions being violent and unpredictable. The other type of magma is Basaltic magma. This can be found where continent plates are pulling away from each other and the magma is nearer the surface. This allows the gas to escape and therefore the magma is less viscous and doesn't result in explosive volcanoes, here eruptions are gentle and 'rifts' are more likely, where lava is persistent. I hope this helps! :)

What type of magma is fluid and allows gases to escape?

basalt lava

Do volcanoes have little volcanoes on them?

not necessarily but there are other valves for the magma to escape.

What happens when the gas in magma is unable to escape?

If the gas cannot escape, such as when the magma solidifies underground, then the gasses become part of the minerals within the igneous rock. Since the main gas in most magma is water vapor, this effect will manifest mostly as hydrous minerals such as amphibole and mica.

What can cause the most explosive volcano?

If you get a very sticky magma (molten rock) which can occur due to the composition of the magma it makes it hard for gas to escape (e.g. think of blowing bubbles through honey and water, its harder through honey), when the gas does escape out of these sticky magma's it has built up a lot of pressure and explodes.

How does magma chamber differ from a vent?

A Magma Chamber is a space (that can change size) at a depth below a volcano in which magma can accumulate prior to an eruption. A volcanic vent is a conduit connecting the magma chamber to the surface. It is though this that the magma flows during an eruption.

What causes a magma to be less viscous?

The main cause of an explosive volcano is the amount of gases trapped in the magma. If the gases have had time to escape, there will be less pressure built up resulting in a less vicious magma explosion.