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Yes, although it isn't your fault the box got destroyed, it isn't the carriers either. Mail has to be delivered to a US Postal Service approved mail box They would be remiss in their duties if they just set it someplace. Carriers get payed and evaluated on the time for their work, which does not include dismounting the vehicle to deliver mail in some cases.

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Q: Can a mail carrier refuse to deliver mail after a hurricane destroyed the mailbox?
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Do you have to put name on mailbox?

By US Postal regulations you do not have to place your name on a the mailbox of a single family dwelling, however the rule may be different when it comes to multiple mailboxes in apartment homes and multi-family dwellings. The obvious problem for the mail carrier would be that if the addressee's apartment/unit number was not on the envelope - and there was no name on the mailbox, how would the carrier know where to deliver the item?

Does the mail carrier have to deliver a package to your door if it does not fit in the mailbox?

yes if its like huge then they just knock on your door or ring the door bell and you open the door and they hand it to you

Does the post office have to deliver mail to your house?

Yes, if its a safety issue If there is a vehicle blocking the curbside mailbox, the postman is not obligated to exit his vehicle and will usually not deliver mail that day. Sorry, this is not correct. From the USPS web site: Mailbox blockage by a vehicle may also prevent the delivery of mail. According to our policy, the city or rural carrier should get of the vehicle to make delivery if the mailbox is temporarily blocked by a vehicle. However, if the carrier continually experiences a problem serving curbline or rural boxes where the customer is able to control on-street parking, the postmaster may withdraw delivery service. The URL is

Residential Mailbox Clear Approach Distance?

USPS regulations state that there must be at least 30 feet clear approach distance for the safety of the mail carrier to deliver on a mounted route.

Can the mail carrier refuse to deliver to your home if you do not have an standard mailbox?

Yes, they can. The requirement for mailboxes are quite specific and are set out in the US postal regulations. Contact your local Postmaster for further information.

Does a mail carrier have to get out of her car to deliver mail?

No. Mail carriers often have cars designed to pull up to the mailbox so they don't have to get out of the car. they always have to get out of there car to put in boxes and mail

Can the post office carrier refuse to deliver mail if mailbox is blocked?

Depending on the district you are in. Some districts allows the mail carrier to pass up a blocked box when others require them to dismount and deliver to the blocked box. also keep in mind that the mail carrier has on average 700 houses they have to deliver to each day. just a few dismounts at blocked boxes can get the carrier in trouble if it makes them late back to the post office.

What does the flag mean on a mailbox?

In the US, when the flag is up it means there is outgoing mail in the mailbox to be picked up by the letter carrier. This alerts the letter carrier to stop at the mailbox even if s/he has no incoming mail to leave for the addressee. When you get ready to mail a letter, leave it in the mailbox and raise the flag. When the letter carrier arrives s/he will take the mail you left in the mailbox, leave any mail s/he might have for you and lower the flag. The flag can also serve as an indication the letter carrier has come and left mail, but it's generally thought inconsiderate to use it for that purpose alone because if the letter carrier has no mail for you it forces him or her to make an unnecessary stop.

What does a rural mailbox look like?

a rural mailbox is just a mailbox that is attached to a post, so the mailman can just drive up, deliver mail, and drive away. the mailbox will generally have the family's last name and house number on it.

Can you leave a flyer in someones mailbox?

No. The USPS Domestic Mail Manual states that, except for the occasional newspaper, "no part of a mail receptacle may be used to deliver any matter not bearing postage, including items or matter placed upon, supported by, attached to, hung from, or inserted into a mail receptacle."

Can a mail carrier refuse to deliver mail if the mailbox is to low or high?

Yes, there are standards for maintaining a mail box. Part of the reason is that there is a certain height that makes delivery possible from a vehicle so they do not need to get out of their truck to put the mail in your box.

Can you place advertisements on the post supporting a mailbox?

If it is yours then yes, but if it is not I would ask the person who owns the mailbox, or you could put it inside the mailbox if it is not yours. Wrong: As a letter carrier, I can tell you that you are absolutely not allowed to place anything in someone else's mailbox unless you are an official letter carrier. Advertisements, etc. that are placed in mailboxes without postage and not by a letter carrier, are removed from the mailboxes by the letter carrier and turned in to postal management. The violator may be billed for postage for the entire route where the advertisements were found. THE ANWSER IS NO -- According to the USPS Domestic Mail Manual (DMM 508.3.2.5) "Any advertising on a mailbox or its support is prohibited."