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yes, just be sure to monitor them till you are sure there will be no aggression towards each other.

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Q: Can a mali uromastyx and bearded dragon stay in the same cage?
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What is the difference between a bearded dragon and a mali uromastyx?

mali uromastyxbearded dragonobviously, they are very different in appearance. however, they have very similar care requirements. being the owner of a mali uromastyx, i would say that they are much tamer (or atleast mine is), and seem to be able to form social bonds with people. also, bearded dragons usually prefer crickets once they become older, while mali uromastyxs's are partial to lettuce throughout their lives

Where do Mally Uromastyx come from?

It's spelled Mali Uromastyx because they come from Mali, which is a North African country.

What kind of uromastyx do I have?

There are multiple species of Uromastyx (approximately 15) with the Mali Uromastyx being the most common type that is distributed in pet stores.

Is the mali uromastyx becoming extinct?

The mali uromastyx is not becoming extinct but is classified as being endangered. This is mainly due to the export of these animals for the pet trade. They are extremely difficult to breed in captivity and so most of the specimens you will find in pet stores today will be wild-caught specimens.

How Big Do Mali Uromastyx Get?

The smallest Uromastyx is probably the Saharan uromastyx, at a little more than a foot in length. The largest is definitely the Egyptian Uro, which can reach three feet. The most common Uro in the pet trade is either the Ornate Uro (about the same size as the Saharan) or the Mali Uro (about 15-16" in length).

How can you tell if a mali uromastyx is a boy or girl?

If it has two lumps at the bottom right by its tail then it's a boy if it doesn't its a girl

What do you suggest if one is getting a reptile?

Leopard Gecko, Corn snake, Ball python, Crested Gecko, Rosy Boa, Kenyan Sand Boa, California Kingsnake, Variable Kingsnake, Grey banded Kingsnake, Mountain Kingsnake, Nelson's milksnake, Sinaloan milksnake, Honduran milksnake, Spotted Python, Stimson's Python, Anthill Python, Bearded Dragon, Lawson's/ Rankin's Dragon, Mali Uromastyx, Saharan Uromastyx, Blue Tongued Skinks (Irian Jaya are usually wild caught), Angel Island/Calico/San Esteban Island Chuckwalla, Yellow/Red acanthurus monitors (ackies) (make sure the uromastyx is captive bred, though, and same with chuckwallas and Blue Tongued skinks). Do ALL of your research before buying. These animals are great for beginners PROVIDED you meet the care, space, veterintary, and monetary requirements. I cannot stress enough how important researching for a new pet is. Remember, the cost of the animal isn't really the cost of the animal. An ackie may cost $225, but the care may cost double that. Be prepared.

What pictures of animals with the letter you?

I'm assuming you mean 'I would like to see some pictures of animals whose names start with the letter U?' Here's is a picture of a Uakari: And here is an Uromastyx:

What is the National Anthem of Mali?

Le Mali."Le Mali" (Mali)"Pour L'Afrique et pour toi, Mali" (For Africa and for You, Mali)"A ton appel Mali" (At Your Call, Mali)

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