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Any interested party can file for custody of a child. Whether or not their petition would be heard, require legal establishment of paternity or thrown out depends on the law where the child legally resides

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Q: Can a man file for full custody if they are not on the birth cert?
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If you have possessory custody. How can you get full custody?

You file a motion with the court.

If father has no contact with child for first five years do you need to file for full custody?

No, you slowly make it harder, i.e. first use half, if father continues declining, file full custody

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Can you file for full custody for your child if his mother is filing for bankruptcy?

Well you can but the court will not find that a good reason to take custody away from her.

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File a motion for full guardianship of a child in need of care.

If an 18 yo moves with mother but father has full custody can mother file for custody?

Generally, custody orders end at age eighteen and the child can choose where she wants to live.

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The full form for CERT is Computer Emergency Response Team.

Man signed birth certificate that's not the father there is a bio father and the child is not living with the mother which is unfit so does the bio father have full custody?

No, as he has no legal rights to the child even if he sign the certificate himself. You will need to file for custody. see links below.

What should you do if ex husband has full custody of our daughter but she has lived with mom for over a year without any support?

You can re-file in Family Court to amend the Full Custody and Support Order.

Can a parent file for full custody because of difference of opinion?

The parent can petition for custody or can take the matter before a judge who will hear testimony and the issue a ruling.

Can a mother and her boyfriend or husband file for full custody of the mothers children together that you share joint custody with your exhusband who is the childrens father?

Boyfriend or husband (unless he is the biological father) has no legal right to the child at all. The mother can try to go for full custody though.

If child support hearing is set and mother has left the child with the grandmother can the father file for full custody?

Yes; he can.