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An IUD in the correct place is not something that a man can feel or by which a man can be injured. If it's coming out, it could cut a man. Do you feel the IUD coming out of your cervix? If so, don't rely on it for Birth Control, and contact your health care provider.

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Q: Can a man get a cut from an IUD?
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When you got the IUD the man cut the sting too short?

There is no harm from having a short string on an IUD. Some women choose to have it inserted and have the entire string removed.

Can an IUD cause abrasions on a man?

The IUD is in the uterus, and a man does not enter the uterus during sex. If you or your partner can feel part of the IUD in the cervix, and that's scraping him, the IUD is not likely to be effective. Take the morning after pill if you 've had sex in the last five days, and contact your health care provider for an exam. Don't rely on the IUD to prevent pregnancy if you can feel the plastic of the device in the cervix.

Can an IUD cut your penis?

It is highly unlikely. An IUD is implanted in the uterus and the penis cannot penetrate that organ. The thread-like implant cords are imperceptible to the partners.

Could you get pregnancy when you are on IUD and the men is steilize?

If the man is really sterile, no.

What is the differnec between a copper IUD and a multi load IUD?

A Multiload IUD is a copper IUD.

What IUD's are copper IUD's?

The ParaGard IUD is T shaped and it contains copper.

Can get trichomoniasis with iud?

You can get trichomoniasis regardless of whether you have an IUD. The IUD does not cause or prevent trich.

Can you get an infection after iud falls out?

You can get an infection with or without the IUD. Expulsion of an IUD doesn't increase the risk of infection.

Romoval of IUD pregnancy calculator?

How do you get your IUD removed

Where does an IUD go?

If the IUD is not in the uterus, it has likely fallen out.

Can you get an IUD if you have hpv?

Yes, you can certainly get an IUD if you have HPV.

What are contraindications for the copper t380a IUD but not the levonorgestrel-releasing IUD?

Allergy to copper or Wilson's disease are contraindications to the copper IUD that don't apply to the levonorgestrel IUD. In addition, severe anemia is a contraindication for the copper IUD, but may be an indication for the levonorgestrel IUD, particularly if the anemia is exacerbated by heavy periods.