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It is definitely a possibility, but not the only factor courts use in deciding who gets custody of the children. If the mother can prove that she can support the children, the odds become even regarding income. Typically, the deciding factor after income is regarding which parent will provide better care for the children apart from providing for their financial needs.

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Q: Can a man get full custody of his children in a divorce if he is the sole wage earner?
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You divorce and get custody over your kids or just get full custody!

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You have the visitation rights that were established in the divorce, and you have no custody rights.

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In a divorce, the other spouse has to be notified of the motion for divorce, and they also have to be notified of your intention to sue for custody fo the children. So, no, it's not possible to be granted a divorce or custody of the children without the other spouse being notifiied of the intent.

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You would need to sue your former spouse for a modification of the divorce degree. Proper venue for this suit would depend on where the former spouse and children currently live.

Can a father get joint custody after the divorce is final and the ex-wife has full custody?

He has every right to go back to court to petition for joint custody, yes.

In the case of divorce if one parent has custody does that mean the other is unable to make decisions for the child?

Unless the divorce decree states that they do, no, not unless the person having full custody permits it.

HELP Can a mother get full custody after she abandons her 3 disabled children they were left in a trailor with no lights spoiled food and no furniture can she get full custody?

she shouldn't get custody at all, she belongs in jail, and the children belong in more capable hands

Can women be ordered to pay alimony if they also have full custody of the kids in a divorce?

It's possible, yes.

How do you know if you have full custody?

An unmarried mother has full custody of her child unlessthe father has established his paternity through the court. He can then request custody and visitation rights. A divorced mother must review her divorce decree and all related court orders if she is unsure about the status of the custody of her child.

Do you have full custody of your son if his father left?

It depends on your legal status before and after the father left. If you are married then he still has full parental rights until a court renders a custody order. If you have been divorced custody should have been addressed in the divorce decree. If you were never married and he has no previously established custodial rights then you have full legal custody.

Is it illegal to leave children alone if father has full custody?

Yes. Leaving children unsupervised is considered child endangerment regardless of who has "full custody". That could lead to the parent being deemed unfit and they could lose custody. See related question.Yes. Leaving children unsupervised is considered child endangerment regardless of who has "full custody". That could lead to the parent being deemed unfit and they could lose custody. See related question.Yes. Leaving children unsupervised is considered child endangerment regardless of who has "full custody". That could lead to the parent being deemed unfit and they could lose custody. See related question.Yes. Leaving children unsupervised is considered child endangerment regardless of who has "full custody". That could lead to the parent being deemed unfit and they could lose custody. See related question.

How can a father get full custody of his child after a divorce with the mother who is sixteen?

The father will have to take the mother of the child back to court if the divorce is already finalized. Custody should have been determined during the divorce so if 1 party wants to change that, they will have to take the other person back to court again.