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Not unless she has a court order.

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Q: Can a married mother stop the father from seeing his child in Florida?
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Can a mother get in trouble for seeing her children against fathers wishes?

Yes. If there is no court order the father has no legal right to keep the children from their mother. If the parents were never married the mother has custody until the father has established his paternity legally through a court action. If married, both parents have equal parental rights.

Can the mother of a 2 month old baby keep the father from seeing the child if they have never been married when the father wants to support and help with care?

nope. if the father is indeed the biological father then he has rights that can not be taken away unless he willingly gives it up by sighning off his rights or it is cort ordered. but in no way can the mother of a child regardless of the age of the child keep the father from seeing his son/and of daughter.

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Can a mother keep a child from seeing the father if married?

There isn't any proper way to answer this without first seeking legal help.But I am sure there are certain reasons for this to happen.

Is Jon gosselin seeing his mother now that he is divorcing kate?

he is seeing his mom more then he did when he was married to kate

Can a mother stop a father seeing his child if he does not pay maintenance. Can he take the mother to court?

Through court actions, but not on her own.

Can your wife stop you from seeing your children prior to a divorce?

Not if the father is doing his fatherly duties for the children, and causing the children no harm or pain. But if he is then yes, also if she sees the father unfit and suspects harm is being done in which case it should be taken to court.

What do you do if your father is cheating on your mother and you are the only one who knows about it?

You need to speak to your father privately and then communicate to him what you know about his cheating on your mother and let him know it's a coward's act and if he doesn't stop seeing the other woman then you will tell your mother. It is possible your father may feel cornered and may threaten you, but your father is at fault and your mother will find out sooner or later.

Can a mother deny rights to the father when they are separated but not divorced from seeing his son in Texas?

No. She would need a court order.

What is the Father of the bride and father of the groom relationship?

They don't have to have any relationship. It would be healthy for them to get along seeing their children are getting married and they will most likely be sharing grandchildren.

Can a mother keep the baby from the father without going to court?

Generally, if the parents are unmarried, the mother has sole custody until the father establishes his paternity legally. Until then she can refuse visitation. However, when the father's paternity has been established he can request custody and/or a visitation schedule. He will also need to pay child support if the mother retains physical custody.A married mother cannot keep the child from the father without a court order to that effect.

Does an illegally married father have any rights to a child he fathered?

yes regardless to whether he's illegally married or legally married you have a child together so he has rights if his name's on the birth certificate the judge will look at that and say he's the father and he has all rights as the mother so if you tried to run off with the child you can be arrested for kidnapping because you can't deprive him of seeing his child. Sorry!! That's a bunch a bull I know but that's the law If the child is biologically his, then he can take the mother to court for custodial rights to the child. Court costs are expensive for both parties. It is suggested that both parents come to an agreement outside of court. Unless the father is abusive, he should be involved with the child for the child's sake. Illegally married has nothing to do with this case, he is the natural father and seeing his child is the issue. He could get trouble for being illegally married, but it is another case entirely. If the mother is thinking about what is right for the child, having both parents involved with his/her life is healthiest.