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no it can not.but if you have a misscarriage there is a high rate of you have another one

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Q: Can a miscarriage cause fertility problems?
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Can obesity affect fertility?

Yes, obesity affects fertility. The metabolic activity of extra fact creates unhealthy changes in hormone balance that can lead to fertility problems. These problems can include decreased ovulation and increased risk of miscarriage.

What causes an infection after miscarriage?

If there are remains it can cause an infection, along with other problems that may not be coming from the miscarriage. Best seek advice from your doctor.

Can you have a normal pregnancy if you have previously had a miscarriage?

yes you can get pregnant after a miscarriage .. i had once miscarriage now i have 4 beautiful children having a miscarriage has no effect on future fertility. Most women who have had 1 miscarriage go on to have a full term pregnancy.

What happens if you don't get a DNC after miscarriage?

Most people do not seek a D&C after a miscarriage but this can cause some problems. You could end up with an infection or be left with parts of the fetus in your body.

Can a miscarriage cause vaginal irritation?

A miscarriage may cause vaginal irritation.

Can physical activity cause a miscarriage?

No, normal physical activity does not cause miscarriage.

How much bleeding causes a miscarriage?

Bleeding is a symptom of miscarriage, not the cause. If a woman is miscarrying, it usually means the embryo/fetus has already died and the bleeding starts when the body recognizes that it is no longer pregnant and starts to clean out the uterus so that the fertility cycle can begin again.

Can the smell of cat litter cause a miscarriage?

No, the smell of cat litter cannot cause a miscarriage.

Can LSD cause a miscarriage?

Yes. LSD is known to cause uterus contractions, which can induce a miscarriage.

Can sperm cause miscarriage at early stage of pregnancy?

No, sperm doesn't cause early miscarriage.

Can you have a miscarriage from the after pill?

You mean the morning after pill? No that does not cause miscarriage.

What can cause a miscarrage?

The most common cause of miscarriage is genetic (or chromosome) defects in the baby. This means that the baby was not developing properly and would have had severe problems with abnormalities after birth. According to people who do research on these things, lots of women have what they thought was a late period, but really was a very early miscarriage.