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Q: Can a mother pass on bipolar to her child?
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Can a mother who is being diagnosed with bipolar disorder be forced to pay child support?

The only way a mother can be forced to pay child support in any state, is if she does not have primary custody of the child. If the child or children live primarily with the father, then the mother can be made to pay child support.

Is bipolar disorder passed by mother during pregnancy?

Bipolar runs in families and can be inherited.

Do all bipolar parents have children with bipolar depression?

Bipolar disorder is hereditary, but it is very common for it to skip generations. If a child doesn't actually have it, mimicking parents who do will not make them bipolar. However, as children mimic behavior; they may exhibit the symptoms of bipolar disorder.

Can a mother pass on a y chromosome to its child?

No. If it is a mother, that infers that the organism is female. The feature that determines gender is the 23rd set of chromosomes. A female can only result if the pair is XX (XY results in a male). Therefore, a mother cannot pass on a Y chromosome to her child. If you are wondering whether by cause of a genetic mutation the mother happens to have a Y chromosome, then she would not be a mother, as she would be infertile.

Should a mother with cold breastfeed?

Yes! In fact you should! You produce antibodies to your illness that you will pass on to your child. You will notice that your child will not get nearly as sick as you or your husband.

Can Stevens Johnson syndrome be passed from mother to child during pregnancy?

A mother cannot pass Steven's Johnson syndrome to her child during labor. Though the medication she is taking can be passed on to her child, and certain medications can cause Steven's Johnson syndrome.

Is there any way to medically help bipolar children?

If a child is diagnosed as bipolar it is believed that a combination of the correct medication, along with psychosocial therapy including the child and the family can help to alleviate the symptoms.

Does the mother or father pass on the color blind trait?

It depends. If the child is male, the person to pass the trait on must be the mother. She may be a hybrid or color-blind herself for her to be capable of doing this. If the child is female, the father must be color-blind in addition to the mother being a carrier. Both have to donate the recessive gene to their daughter.

Can an AB mother and an O father have an O child?

No. An AB father does not have an O allele and can only pass on an A or B allele to his child. So the child will either be type A or type B, but not O.

What are the chance of healthy baby with bipolar father?

Bipolar does not cause any physical problems. If you are asking if your child could grow up and have bipolar, too, yes that is possible because it does occur in families.

Are you safe to raise your child if you're bipolar?

If she is undergoing proper treatment for the severity of her bipolar disorder, whether that is therapy, medication, or some alternate, approved treatment, then yes. Anyone with a severe mental disorder can be a threat if untreated, though bipolar disorder is most often milder than other disorders, such as schizophrenia. Ultimately, it will be the decision of the mother, hopefully with the input of her doctor, family, and friends.

Can a woman with B plus and a man with O have a child that is O negative?

Yes, if the mother's genotype is BO, she may pass the O allele on to the child and it will be type O.