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No. The guardian can call the police and report the mother for taking the child. If the mother wants to regain custody she must do so through the court.

No. The guardian can call the police and report the mother for taking the child. If the mother wants to regain custody she must do so through the court.

No. The guardian can call the police and report the mother for taking the child. If the mother wants to regain custody she must do so through the court.

No. The guardian can call the police and report the mother for taking the child. If the mother wants to regain custody she must do so through the court.

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No. The guardian can call the police and report the mother for taking the child. If the mother wants to regain custody she must do so through the court.

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Q: Can a mother put their child in temporary foster care?
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Are foster parents allowed to throw things away that belong to the child that the birth mother gave to child protective service for the child the foster parents only have temporary care of the child?

They are not allowed to throw away the child's belongings.

What do child protective services do with the children they take away from their homes?

Those children are placed in temporary foster care.

Can a woman put child in foster care without informing father of birth?

Foster care can be temporary; rights do not have to be given up. Check in with your local agency as to whether the other biological parent must be notified.

If an underage mother gets into a physical fight with someone else can the child be taken away?

If the other person files charges against the mother for assult, the mother could get arrested. If no one is there to take care of the child - the child will be put in foster care.

What you can offer a foster child?

As a foster parent you can offer a foster child your love, support and help them learn, grow and change as a person. You can offer them a stable and safe environment. Offer them support and care for them like you would your own. Most of all you can offer a foster child a home no matter how temporary. It's the sense of belonging and family that means everything to a foster child

How do you get child back from foster care Georgia statute?

Depends on why the child is in foster care. Consult your lawyer.

Where does a child usually get placed if they are taken from both mother and father in Florida?

Foster care as a ward of the state.

Can a woman give up a child to foster care if not informing father in Texas?

No, a parent can not give up their parental rights without notifying the other parent.ClarificationThere are many reasons for placing a child in temporary foster care. The mother may have a situation in which she has become homeless or she is afraid she may hurt the child or she is a victim of domestic abuse and needs to be cared for herself. There are too many variables to answer the question without more details.

Can you put the word foster in a sentence?

"My husband and I foster children.""They took care of a foster child.""As a child, she had a foster brother."

If a child's mother is killed who does she live with?

Interested relatives and if there aren't any or no one suitable, foster care or orphanage.

What happens if a child leaves foster care in California at 16?

they gone be placed in foster care

What foster agencies are there?

yes but it depends on the child and the foster care agency.