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Laws vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction but, generally, neighbors may prune right up to their property line but not to the point where the shrub/tree/bush/etc. dies. However, "MIGHT die" is a subjective statement and open to interpretation and doubt.

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6mo ago

If your neighbor Prunes your bushes on their side of the property line, they must exercise reasonable care. If their pruning actions are excessive and result in the death of your bushes, they could potentially be held responsible for the damages. It is advisable to communicate with your neighbor and reach a mutual understanding regarding any pruning activities that may affect both sides of the property.

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Q: Can a neighbor prune your bushes on his side to the point that they might die?
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When do you prune juniper bushes?

Best to prune outdoor juniper bushes in early spring(March or April in the northeast US) to allow ample time for regrowth before winter sets in. If you prune too close to winter, there's not enough time for the regrowth to occur and the bush could be damaged.

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The word is spelled prune.We had to prune the bushes around our front doorway.Mom insisted we each eat a prune when we back-talked her.The man's skin was as wrinkled as a prune.

Do you need to prune?

If your bushes are getting out of control, then you do need to prune them. Pruning plants will help them look better and will also help them to grow bigger and better.

When is the recommended time to prune rose bushes?

It's best to prune rose bushes in the spring, well after the last frost. While roses are hardy plants, pruning them while it is still too cold discourages new growth. If someone wishes to prune their roses too late in the season, it is recommended that the bush is pruned well above the desired length, then again in the spring.

Why do you prune rose bushes and when is the best time?

Rose bushes should be shortened back in early winter to stop wind rock and freezing at the roots and should be properly pruned at the end of winter.

When and how do you prune laurel bushes?

Laurel is so hardy that you can pretty much cut it at ANY time and it'll recover just fine.

Can you prune your butterfly bush in April in Reno Nevada?

All butterfly bushes should be pruned in the spring before the new wood starts growing.

What kindof lever might you use if you wanted to prune a tree?

If you wanted to prune a tree, you will need a Class 1 fulcrum.

How do you prune butterfly bushes?

Butterfly bushes (botanical name Buddleja, sometimes spelled Buddleia) produce blooms on their new growth, not last years woody stems. This means they can be pruned back in late winter through early spring to encourage lush new growth and flowering in the summer.When pruning you can cut the stems all the way back to the ground in order to create a more compact shrub, or just prune them back a little to keep their size and shape as you desire.Alternatively, in a low maintenance landscape you might only prune butterfly bushes every few years, except to clean out any dead or malformed branches. Some of them can become quite large, others are dwarf cultivars.In cold climate areas, avoid pruning any shrub too late in the summer, as new growth produced late in the season tends to be killed by winter freezing.As a rule, if a shrub flowers before midsummer, prune it after it flowers. If it flowers after midsummer, prune it in the Spring.