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Absolutely not! The only way to prevent the other parent from seeing the child is if you file for a restraining order or emergency protective order, you see a judge and file for restricted, or terminated or supervised visitation. The other parent is given the right (by law) to see his children regardless of whether or not his child support is current. He could be in arrears their entire lives it still does not stop his right for visitation.

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Q: Can a parent keep the child away from the other parent in nc over money?
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As in taking the child away from the other parent? Perhaps

Can the custodial parent put the child in a separate home away from the rest of the family?

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It depends on the individuals concerned. The custodian can insist the other parent travels to them to visit the child. If the non-custodian wants to take the child out for the day - it's their responsibility to return the child to the place of residence, on or before the agreed time.

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If the other parent is the sole beneficiary in the life insurance policy, no. Participate in the probate process and you might walk away with something. So sad that someone's child would sue their grieving parent. Only if there is some record that the deceased parent wanted the child to have part of the money. If nothing...the insurance company gives the money to the person that has been chosen as the beneficiary. That is all they are required by law to do.

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Yes, you are STILL the person responsible for bringing the child into the world. You need to support them. The laws vary from state to state on parental rights and child support,So signing away your parental rights may not relieve you from paying child support.. However if one parent wants the other parent to sign away their parental rights,they can come to a legal aggreement that if the parent signs away their rights then the other parent will cancel any current child support and will not seek support for that child in the future,this of course must be done through the courts...

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Yes You have the authority to take away any gift to the child by the other parent, but consider how that would be viewed by the courts. I assume you want to limit the child talking to the other parent?

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If you were still living with the other parent, you'd be helping to support the child through that period as more than likely the child will be unable to support themselves. Living apart from the other parent does not absolve you of that responsibility towards your child.

Can someone keep their son away from the other parent?

yes you can butt that wouldn't be right to the other parent unless they are not paying child support or if they use drugs or they beat the kid

Is it against the law for a parent to take away a phone that the child paid for with the money that they earned?

Is it against the law if someone gives a 16 year old some birthday money and the parent takes is off them is it classed has theft.

Will a parent be taken away from their chil if they do not watch it and the child is found in the street?

It depends on where you are. Most likely yes. (More like the child will be taken away from the parent.)

Do you still pay support to the custodial parent if your child has been taken away and placed in the care of a guardian?

In this case the other parent is no longer the custodial parent. If the child is now staying with another guardian, they are now considered the custodial guardian and child support should be paid to them.