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No. However, if the adult child is unable to act on their own behalf for some reason the parent can petition to be appointed the adult's legal guardian. If that is the case you should consult with an attorney who specializes in special needs guardianships.

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Q: Can a parent obtain legal custody if their child is already an adult?
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Is it possible for a parent to take custody of a kid after the age of eighteen?

You can not take custody of another adult unless you become their legal guardian due to their mental illness or something. he is nto a kid, he is an adult now.

Can a brother get custody of minor child if father dies and mom was found unfit the father had custody already?

Assuming you are an adult, yes you have a chance.

How can you get an adult who is not your parent or related to you to get get custody of you if you are 13?

If there's a valid reason, they have to file a motion for a child in need of care with the court.

Can the custodial parent have the right to deny an 18yr old the right to live with the non-custodial parent?

In most states it's a no since at 18 you are an adult and custody does not apply anymore.

Can a parent take custody from their underage son if he is a dad?

Only the court can grant him custody and if they have done so you can not go against it unless he is unfit. The laws vary a bit between the states depending on how old the minor parent is but in general they have the same rights as adult parents.

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Does a child with deceased parents have to go into state custody?

Not necessarily, a family member or relative, friend, neighbor, parent of a friend, etc., can petition for guardianship. A child becomes a ward of the state when there is no other responsible adult willing or able to take permanent custody of the child.Not necessarily, a family member or relative, friend, neighbor, parent of a friend, etc., can petition for guardianship. A child becomes a ward of the state when there is no other responsible adult willing or able to take permanent custody of the child.Not necessarily, a family member or relative, friend, neighbor, parent of a friend, etc., can petition for guardianship. A child becomes a ward of the state when there is no other responsible adult willing or able to take permanent custody of the child.Not necessarily, a family member or relative, friend, neighbor, parent of a friend, etc., can petition for guardianship. A child becomes a ward of the state when there is no other responsible adult willing or able to take permanent custody of the child.

When divorced can one parent have custody of one child and the other parent have custody of another?

No, the emancipation laws around the world include both parents or guardians, not just one. A child who wants to be emancipated is stating they can support themselves without the help of an adult.

Can an adult child be held responsible for a parent who gave up custody of them?

Giving up custody does not automatically strip all parental rights, but in general, no adult is legally responsible for another adult unless it comes to jointly signed contracts, in cases of marriage in community property states, you are the person's legal power of attorney, designated as the decision maker in a living will, the parent's legal guardian or will probate (if an executor of a deceased parent's estate). You would have to add more details in the discussion area for a definitive answer.

What Age child can refuse to see parent who does not have custody in Texas?

Age 18 or at the time of emancipation. If the child is mature enough to make an adult decision, the child is mature enough for all adult responsibilities.see links

Can a custodial parent get in trouble if that parent leaves the country for vacation and leaves minor child with step dad?

It depends on the exact language in the custody decree, but ordinarily a custodial parent is allowed to place a minor child in the temporary care of any responsible adult.

How do you transfer temporary guardianship of a 15-year-old to another adult in New Jersey?

The adult who is willing to accept the responsibility of the minor child must file a petition in the appropriate state court for guardianship. If however the issue is temporary custody (3 months or less) of a minor child the parent (not a legal guardian) can give written permission to the adult caregiver to take custody of the child. The document should include the date temporary custody is to begin and end; permission for the adult caregiver to enroll the child in school (if applicable) obtain medical and/or dental care for the child, the terms of monetary support, and other pertinent information. The parent is required to keep in regular contact with the caregiver and the child. Please be advised, such an arrangement does not insure that state social services will not become involved and parental accountabliity/responsibility would not be called into question if a problematic situation should arise.