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Yes, a parent CONVICTED of sexual offenses can still keep their children although it would probably be under the close supervision of the Department of Children and Family Services (or equivelant agency).

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Q: Can a parent still keep their kids while on the abuse registry?
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Is cursing at your child abuse?

Yes, it is. It may not seem like it, and while it's not the worse type of abuse out there, it is abuse. And any abuse is not good. Cursing, or yelling or just talking plain mean to them is verbal abuse, and while it may not hurt them physically, it does mentally. And if they are anything like me, they will end up hurting themselves physically because of it.

Does Florida have parent protective rights from verbal abusive child?

There is no law protecting a parent from verbal abuse from a child. It is the parents responsibility to seek the proper avenues for treating a verbally abusive child while he/she is still underage and in their care. Counseling is the first step, however, if the case is severe enough the child may require an intensive program.

Can you overrule an activity the non custodial parent wants to engage in while child is in his custody for access?

Not without the authority of the court. Such an all encompassing authority is easy to abuse.

How can a child's verbal and emotional abuse towards a mother or parent be damaging?

For a parent it is so hurtful to have a child who has resented you or don't respect you at all. Children would react that way either the parent is also verbally or physically abusive as well. O could be if your child felt betrayed of the parents actions, during a divorce or spousal abuse. All actions have a cause, it is better to establish a good relationship with your child while growing up to avoid abuse, resentment even abandonment in your family.

Are registry cleaners a joke?

Registry errors cause problems, and are compounding; cleaners are like all software, some are good while others are not. A good registry cleaner is worth the money.

What are the legal issues for child abuse?

Legal issues regarding child abuse generally revolve around what counts as child abuse and what doesn't. For example, some people consider spanking child abuse while others consider it an acceptable form of punishment. Constitutional protections of the parent-child relationship and privacy in the home must also be legally balanced with the welfare of the child.

If childsupport took the money from the parent who is up for support and you all are holding it and you havent heard from the parent who is paying while still hold it and 30-45 days is up?

Complete confusing.

How do you install real player while registry editing is disabled?

There is no way to do this.