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Q: Can a person's center of gravity shift either by weight loss or position say standing or walking on their hands?
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What is the uses gravitational energy in your daily life?

Gravity drags us down that is why we are walking and standing right now.But in moon there is no gravity in there.

What is the function of the leg's.?

to able your foot to move

The system for sensing the position and movement of individual body parts is?

The vestibular system detects motion, gravity and provides us with our sense of balance.This is an addition to the above-mentioned answer. Basically, we have three sensory systems that are responsible for the sense of position and movements, and they are:dorsal column-medial lemniscus = detect position and movements of limbs and trunkvestibular system = detect position and movements of your headvision = it helps the other two sensory systems during walking and standing

Is a walking liberty half dollar the same as a standing liberty half dollar?

There is no true Standing Liberty half dollar. They are properly called Walking Liberty half dollars. But if you are asked to buy a Standing Liberty half dollar you can be safe to assume that it is a Walking Liberty. Review the Standing Liberty quarter and see that the figure is in an obvious 'standing' stance whereas the Walking Liberty appears to have motion.

Why is standing more tiring than walking?

its not

What is stasibasiphobia?

Fear of standing or walking upright

What is vestibular rehab?

Standing and walking exercises.

What is the force of gravity on a 500-N women standing on the earth's surface?

500-N Moreover, she is walking near Grant's Tomb eating an orange. What famous military leader is buried there, and what is the color of the fruit ?

Eight letter word opposite of walking?


Is walking is the work against gravity?

Walking across the room is not work against gravity.Walking up the stairs is work against gravity.Walking down the stairs is work with gravity.

When does man exert greater pressure on the floor while standing or walking?

tiptoesWhen standing on tiptoe, the force exerted by your body remains the same, but is now concentrated in a smaller area. Pressure is measured in force divided by area. By reducing the area, you increase the pressure.

What other words used for run?

It is either Standing or Walking.