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Q: Why is standing more tiring than walking?
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Why is it more tiring to stand still than to walk?

because if you stand still for very long you will get tired in standing but while your walking you will not get bored because you are doing something.

Why is the pressure on ground more when a men is walking than when a men is standing?

The difference is dynamic pressure vs. static pressure.

Will standing for a long time aggravates the disc which is already bulged or will lead to any other problem?

Standing generally does not place more strain on the spine than sitting does; lying down is the best position to relieve strain on the spine. Standing can be tiring for other reasons, it certainly places more strain on the legs than sitting does. If you are getting tired, I would recommend that you lie down for a while.

Why is the pressure on the ground more when a man is walking than when he is standingn?

when a man is standing on ground all his weight is in downward direction and pressure is the force divided by area as force is maximum and area is minimum so pressure will be more when he is standing

Why the weight is more than when a mam walking than man standing?

The "mam" is heavier then the man? Anyways, that shouldn't be true and is actually a false question since it should be the same.

Does your heart beat faster when walking?

It beats faster than if you are standing still, but slower than your heartbeat when you are running.

Who will get wetter the person running or walking?

The person running would get more wetter then the person walking as you will be catching more rain than walking because you are running into more rain than if you were walking through it, but it does depend on the distance you are running or walking

Does tennis help burn more fat than soccer?

It depends. If you have a tennis player that likes to hit away from you, then it is definitely more tiring than soccer. If you have a tennis player that hits right at you, soccer is more tiring as you are ding more running, and burns more fat. If you don't run during soccer, for example, if you are the goalie, tennis burns more.

Why does walking uphill use more energy than walking on flat land?

Yes, It requirs more energy when walking on a slope than a flat surface

How is acceleration involved in running?

If you are walking or standing still you are going slower than running, if you speed up then you are accelerating.

Do you burn more calories standing up than sitting down?

Yes, standing up burns more calories than when you sit.

Why walking is better than electronic?

Walking is better than electronics because you get more exercise for your body.