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Yes. It is possible to abuse someone who is awake so of course it is possible to abuse someone who is asleep and unable to to prevent the abuse.

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Q: Can a person abuse someone physically while they are asleep?
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What is an abusee?

An abusee is a person who is physically abused by someone.

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It means when a person acts unusual and hiper It can be used for someone who would scream and yell and/or physically or emotionally abuse someone

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i cant exactly say but you should check out a theripist

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They always emotionally abuse them, because narcissists lack empathy. Some physically abuse. It depends on the specific case.

If you slam a door or kick a door during a disagreement Are you really abusing someone?

That is not abuse. That is just part of a routine argument... abuse is physically or mentally harming the other person during the argument. So, unless you slammed their head in the door, you weren't being abusive.

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Yes, this is emotional and verbal abuse. Often (but not always), someone who abuses you emotionally and verbally may someday abuse you physically. Please leave this person while you still can.

What does protecting individuals for abuse mean?

Protecting individuals from abuse means you protect someone from being physically abused, verbally abused, emotionally abused or sexually abused. These forms of abuse are more vulnerable towards children. A social workers job is to stop children from being abused in any kind of way and protect them from coming into contact with that person that is abusing them.

Emotional Abuse is Real Abuse?

Emotional abuse has been called invisible abuse because there is no physical evidence of it. However, if someone is calling you names, trying to control your finances and your time, twisting the words you say, treating you with no respect and other tactics common to emotional abusers, it is just as hurtful and wrong as if that person were harming you physically. If their actions repeatedly make you feel bad, it's time to stand up for yourself.

What makes emotional abuse serious?

Well it's serious because it hurts the person inside. It makes them feel insecure about themselves. Abuse is a big problem. Through cyber, emotionally, physically, mentally.

How do you avoid being physically abused?

Abuse by definition is mistreatment or horrible mistreatment. Sadly, there is little one can do to avoid being mistreated badly as that mistreatment is not brought about by your own behavior but by the behavior of the abuser. If someone is mistreating you it is best to avoid that person. If someone is abusing you physically they are breaking the law and justice should be put in. Do not tolerate physical abuse as that tolerance will only encourage more of the same. If you do not want to put justice in by having the one who physically abused you arrested then walk away and stay away. If that person who abused you seeks out some sort of help to learn how to control their emotions and behavior then encourage them and show them compassion and if you are convinced they have corrected their abusive ways then acknowledge this and move forward. However, if someone continues to act abusively it is paramount you avoid this person and probably your responsibility to put justice in.

Is someone controlling another person a form of abuse?

Power and control tactics are the main focus in most every abusive relationship...if someone is manipulating their partner to the point where there partner is not happy then yes controlling someone is a form of abuse...

How do you stop abuse?

To stop abusers, they should be held accountable for their actions. If someone reports the abuse to the police, the person may stop their abuse.