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Yes you can, you might have noticed that there are a lot of veins on your arm, so if you do cut your arm, be careful because you might cut on of the veins or arteries, and you can bleed to death. But it is better if you don't cut yourself at all because what ever reason your doing that for, must be something like how you hate your life, so please appreciate what god gave you and stop thinking of it as a bad way :), everything that happens, has a reason.

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Q: Can a person die from cutting there wrists straight across the arm?
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It's a term on how to commit suicide cutting your wrists. you kill yourself by cutting down your arm(down the river) not by going across the street(slashing across your arm)

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Depends how deep. If it's just on the surface i dont think it matters which direction. If you are cutting deep then it does matter which direction. Bloodloss-wise (deep cut): No. It's not worse. If you cut across the wrists it will clot more (unless in warm water. This can keep blood from clotting)Pain-wise: I really don't know. I do know that if you cut your wrists deep it is excruciatingly painful (either way i think)Honestly: just dont do it. It's not worth it:P

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Well, it matters if you ment th e cut to happen, if so your emo.

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It's important to address self-harm with empathy and understanding. Self-inflicted injuries are not specific to one group of people, and the act of cutting is a serious concern that should be treated with care and support. If you or someone you know is struggling with self-harm, please seek help from a mental health professional or a support hotline.

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Probably her Stay Strong tattoo across her wrists. Hope this helped. (:

What Christian song would best describe someone who cuts their wrist?

Skillet's song 'The Last Night' has the lyrics, 'You come to me with scars on your wrists".Most Christian bands do not sing about anger and cutting their wrists because they are angry.

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The keyboard should be in a comfortable position, and wrists should float over the keyboard when keying with a light touch so wrists and forearms remain straight.

Can you die from cutting your wrist?

Yes, your blood can clot in time or otherwise stop.

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Though some people have a phobia of Jewellery, there is no specific name for a phobia of bracelets

How do you help someone you love with cutting there wrists without telling them what to do?

There probably depressed. they need to see a mental health professional e.g a counsellor.

What kinds of restraints can I use on someone and not hurt their wrists?

The kinds of restraints one can use on someone and not hurt their wrists in most situations include handcuffs, fetters and straight jackets. Other restraints that are less likely to hurt someone's wrists include a wrist cuff to chain invention and certain ways ropes are tied.

When someone slits their wrist what happens?

A person that wants to slit their wrists is in a great deal of mental anguish and should seek psychological counseling. Sometimes people are depressed and feel they will never be happy and will trying cutting their wrists. Some will not cut deep enough (not all that easy to cut ones wrists because of tendons, etc.) and may be superficial and a way (unknown to the victim) that they are reaching out for help. Others make a very good job of it and know what they are doing. The human body has 8 - 10 pints of blood in their body depending on their body build. It takes the loss of two to three pints of blood to go into shock and a loss of four to six pints of blood to cause death (depending on the body build and the age and health of the person.) Death can take a long time because it depends on how healthy the person is and cutting ones wrists the blood flows and doesn't spurt so it can take a very long time. The person will feel dizzy, weak and generally lapse into shock.